Gemini Full Moon November Forecast 

All Full Moons symbolize a time of endings, culmination, realizations, and anticipation.

This Full Moon in Gemini comes as we reach the last few weeks of the calendar year, typically a time of reflection and release. 

It’s the ideal time to start considering what we wish to purge and cleanse from our lives as 2024 beckons.

What kinds of emotional and spiritual weight do you need to let go of?

Where have you been wasting your energy and what can you do to lighten your load in these last weeks of 2023? 

It’s never too soon to begin thinking about the kind of energy you wish to embody in 2024 and be sure that nothing heavy from 2023 comes with you and holds back your best intentions from manifesting. 

Use the magical, socializing energy of this November Full Moon to get very clear on the type of experience you wish to be living by the time next year rolls around in January. 

What’s going on astrologically with this Full Moon? 

The Moon is Opposite Mars 

Mars always carries somewhat volatile energy, particularly ruling our will and actions.

The moon, however, rules our emotions. When these two are in opposition there is often fighting.

This could be in relationships or manifest as an inner conflict. 

If something has been brewing within you, the Full Moon might be the trigger to let it out.

Be wary of heated conversations and emotions, it’s possible that you might feel frustrated and on edge during the energy of this Full Moon period. 

The Moon is square Saturn in Pisces

Saturn is all about rules and limits, so when it squares the moon, we might feel like something is trying to control our own emotions.

This could be someone else telling you how you should feel, or you might feel unseen and unheard emotionally. 

Saturn is also the planet of Karma and our Master Teacher, its energy reminds us of the need to set boundaries and limits when it comes to how others treat us. It’s a good reminder to take care of our well-being and health on all levels. 

The Moon is trine to Pluto and sextile to Neptune 

Pluto’s position trine to the moon urges us to take responsibility for our own lives and be our own authority.

Neptune can invite deeper spiritual energy into our lives and help us to feel like things are not so bad. 

Gemini is symbolized by the Twins 

One twin is mortal and the other is immortal.

This is a duality that we all have to embrace as mortal humans with infinite souls. 

As this Full Moon is in Gemini, we can also use this time to honor the boundless infinity of our souls, while also appreciating our human mortal selves. 

A good question to ask yourself is, are you living in alignment with your soul?

Is your physical human experience in this lifetime, reflecting your innermost desires? 

Mercury rules the sign of Gemini, and being the planet of communication that implies this time is going to be excellent for socializing and having great conversations.

 Take advantage of this to express yourself without fear and enjoy some fun activities with friends and loved ones. 

Intention Setting 

Use the days and weeks around this November Full Moon to go within and listen to what your gut is telling you about the way you are moving forward into 2024. 

Are you living in alignment with your true soul desires? 

Use this November Full Moon to set your intentions and release them out to the Universe under the light of the moon.