Harmonize Your Life: Navigating Libra Season with Wellness Wisdom

Embrace the enchantment of Libra season!

From September 23rd to October 23rd, it’s all about beauty, balance, and meaningful connections.

Say goodbye to the practical Virgo energy and welcome the serene harmony of Libra’s magical vibes.

Libra, ruled by Venus and an air sign, is known for its love of peace, appreciation for all things beautiful, and focus on relationships.

It’s a season to indulge in decadence and savor the present moment.

This October, strive for balance in all aspects of life, just like Libra’s scales symbolize.

Find harmony between work and play, feminine and masculine energies, and embrace a good work-life balance.

By tapping into Libra’s grace and organization, you’ll set yourself up for a successful month ahead.

Discover ways to align with the Libra energy, make the most of this season, and give your well-being the rejuvenation it deserves. Keep reading for valuable tips.

Nutrition and Cleanses

As Libra is all about balance, this is an excellent time of year to check in with your general diet and nutrition.

Consider going on a short cleanse or fast; there’s nothing like a little detox to clear the mind and prepare you on all levels for new ideas and creative projects. 

If that seems too much, why not introduce just one detoxifying habit in October?

Have a warm cup of lemon water when you wake up instead of heading straight to the coffee, or increase your water intake, with green leafy vegetables, and sprouted grains. 

The beauty of long-term health is established through the individual choices we make each day. 

Yoga and Movement 

Yoga has fantastic and long-lasting benefits for all of us at any time of year, but as the libra season brings a focus on balance and harmony, there are some specific poses that can bring you extra release and relief.

Libra rules over the lumbar spine or lower back region of our bodies, a troublesome area for many of us with sedentary lifestyles. 

Spend just a few minutes each day stretching out your lower back and strengthening the muscles that support it. Try Child’s Pose, Happy Baby, Supine Twists, and Head to Knee Pose. 

To channel the Libra energy of balance and harmony, increase your own balance and coordination with yoga poses such as Tree Pose, Dancer Pose, Warrior 3, and Half Moon. 

There is nothing like testing your balance in Tree every morning to gauge where you are at that day energy-wise! The best part is seeing how you change and adapt over time. Check-in with yourself at the beginning of every week to see your progress. 

Crystals for Libra Season 

Libra energy is all about beauty, grace under pressure, and aesthetically pleasing things.

There’s also a huge emphasis on partnerships and harmonious relationships. 

This season works with crystals such as Rose Quartz, Moonstone, Turquoise, Lepidolite, Citrine, and Amethyst. 

These are all harmonizing, grounding, and heart-opening crystals that bring happiness, and optimism and encourage you to look within for peace of mind and a big dose of self-love. 

You can create crystal grids in your home, bathe with your crystals, or meditate with them around you or in your hands.

Don’t forget to charge them up by the light of the next full moon! 

Aromatherapy Essential Oils for Libra Season 

Indulge in some self-massage or hot baths with a few drops of essential oils for the ultimate relaxation. Choose aromas such as Rose, Geranium, Lavender, ylang-ylang, or Jasmine, flowery and luxurious scents to charge your energy and leave you feeling beautiful from the inside out. 

Peaceful Relationships 

This has been a challenging year for social gatherings due to the pandemic, a hard situation for all of us especially Librans, who are social butterflies at the best of times.

Libra season wants us all to review the relationships in our lives and make sure we are building healthy, loving, and balanced relationships with everyone around us.

If you can’t get together with your loved ones, remember to reach out and create virtual social circles as much as possible. 

Use this balancing energy to bring people together and create communities within communities, in any way you can.

Whether it’s virtual dinner parties or actual dinner parties, socially distanced walks, or Zoom yoga classes, find your own unique method of connection and don’t hold back. 

Libra also wants us to remember to be the peacemaker and to bring unity and love to each of our interactions.

Where there is conflict, be the one that brings healing energy and a determination to find solutions. 

Whatever you do this Libra Season, be conscious of raising your vibration to be a more compassionate, kinder, and loving version of yourself. 

Now is the time to embody the balance, harmony, beauty, justice, and love of the sign of Libra.

 Do what you can to appreciate and bask in each magical moment of life and see if you can find a way to leave everything in your life a little more balanced and a little sweeter. 

Happy healing and harmonious Libra Season!