How to Recharge your Sacral Chakra and Put a Stop To Feelings of Stuckness and Procrastination

Do you suffer from feelings of sluggishness,

stuckness and inertia?

Do you get stuck procrastinating

or feel like you just cannot move past certain creative blocks? 

If you answered yes to any of those,

you might want to take a look at giving your Sacral Chakra an energetic boost! 

Your Sacral Chakra is one of the most important chakra energy centers.

It is the foundation of your confidence, creativity, and life force. 

This chakra, known in Sanskrit as Swadhisthana,

is the chakra of creativity, pure attention and pure knowledge.

It connects us to our inner source of inspiration,

and allows us to experience the beauty around us. 

The first chakra,

the root chakra is focused on grounding us to the earth,

but this second chakra, the sacral chakra is all about moving outwards – being with the flow of life. 

To find out where your Sacral Chakra is

simply make a triangle with your hands over your belly button,

and that is where the center of your Sacral Chakra lies. 

It represents: creativity, sexuality, finances, personal power and relationships.

It is the home of all deep emotion

and is responsible for your feelings of strength, purpose and motivation. 

The organs that are related to the second chakra are:

the bladder, kidneys, ovaries, uterus, large intestine/ colon, liver, pancreas, lower back.

It’s also connected to your appetite, physical desires and addictions. 

If you are feeling determined, energized and full of life,

you probably have a balanced Sacral Chakra. 

If you are feeling stuck, sluggish, lacking in energy

and tend to procrastinate – you probably have a Sacral Chakra

that is dirty, shrunken and out of balance. 

People who suffer from creative blocks, digestive issues,

feelings of powerlessness and a lack of self worth are likely to be suffering from an imbalance here too. 

The good news is you can learn how to recharge your own Sacral Chakra,

and take your power back! 

A healthy Sacral Chakra is essential if you want to manifest all that you desire.

You cannot manifest from a place of low self-worth,

powerlessness and lack of drive and energy.

It will just slow you down.

So you see that it’s super important to heal this Chakra if you want to boost your manifesting powers!

Heres’s how…

Draw upon your Personal Power 

If you have difficulty focusing or find it hard to complete projects,

maybe you have trouble manifesting change or suffer from indecision –

it would be a great exercise to set concrete goals for yourself to help you. 

Find an activity in your life that helps you to draw upon your personal power

by setting targets, deadlines and working to complete projects. 

Alternatively find a physical activity that mirrors this,

such as martial arts, or doing a 30-day yoga challenge. 

Clear your Energy in Nature 

The Sacral Chakra elements in nature are water and trees.

Carve out time to yourself to be close to

or immersed in these elements as often as possible. 

Spend time swimming or simply sitting beneath your favorite tree to meditate,

or connect with its energetic wisdom. 

Healing with Color

The Sacral Chakra is associated with the color orange.

You can channel that color yourself by wearing orange clothes, eating orange foods,

or meditating with orange crystals and orange candles.

Simple adding more orange to your home can also help you to focus on healing this chakra. 

You can also visualize this chakra surrounded by a warm, bright orange light

clearing and healing any imbalances. 

Take time to do these processes,

they do work and they will have an impact on your life

through cleansing and balancing your Sacral Chakra.