Do you long for a life that you are excited to wake up to every day?
A life you don’t need to plan a vacation from? A life where you don’t live for the weekend and dread Mondays?
It is March 2023. A month from now you can either look back on a month of immense progress and productivity, or you can reflect on a month of excuses as to why nothing in your life changed. Which would you prefer?
If you want to uplevel your life it takes concerted effort, self-discipline, and a big desire to change.
If you’re reading this blog, I imagine you already have a big desire to change! That’s awesome, and it’s 100% the first step in creating something different for yourself.
But how do you actually create a life in alignment with your desires?
What do you need to do to change those circumstances that seem so impossible to shift? Things like how much money you have, the quality of your relationships, your career path, where you live, how you spend your days, etc.
Well, I’m going to tell you right now.
It all comes down to HOW YOU MASTER YOUR ENERGY.
We know how crucial energy is, right? The entire universe is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies.
The same energy that exists all over the universe also exists within us.
Your very thoughts are also made up of energetic vibrations, as are your emotions.
Your destiny and the life you dream of is controlled by your conscious and unconscious thoughts and feelings.
The problem is that we humans tend to think in almost exactly the same way every day. 90% of your thoughts are the same as they were yesterday.
And from what we know of simple quantum physics and the Law of Attraction we can conclude that means your life is also going to remain the same.
Your thoughts lead to the same choices, which lead to the same kinds of behavior and habits, which in turn just create the same experiences over and over again.
Most people are stuck in some sort of cycle of repetitive thought and behavior, which is why it is so hard for most people to create great change in their lives.
They are trying to manifest a new reality with the same old thoughts.
What you have to do is understand that for a new life to manifest, you have to change everything about the way you have been thinking!
You have to change the hardwired thoughts and behaviors that makeup what you currently experience.
That takes conscious effort and discipline.
You need to become extremely aware of the ways in which your thought processes have been holding you back.
You have to analyze the beliefs you hold about what you are capable of achieving in your life, and then take steps to change those beliefs to reflect what you actually want to see!
The easiest way to change your thought patterns is to get clear on where and how you spend your energy.
You need to get very clear on where your energy is going and do not allow it to be squandered.
That means taking a very meticulous inventory of your life. Ask yourself questions like:
- How do you spend your days?
- What is the first thing you do in the morning?
- How do you dress?
- Who are the people you spend most time with?
- What social media or news do you consume?
- Are you prioritizing the things that are important to you?
Do your answers to the above questions reflect the kind of reality you want to magnetize into your experience?
Or are you allowing your energy to be depleted by the things you do or the people you spend time with?
Do you spend a lot of time on low frequency activities like gossiping or complaining, wasting time scrolling, or binge-watching Netflix?
In what ways could you better use your energy towards positive change in your life?
When you first understand the power that you have to manifest into reality any potential future you choose to attract – then you can begin to make changes.
But it all comes back to YOU! It is completely within your control to change your life.
You need to become very vigilant of your own mind and grab hold of it before you allow your repetitive, practiced thought patterns and behaviors to dictate the life experience you are having.
Top Tip: Check in with yourself at the beginning of each day and set an intention to remain conscious of your thoughts and energy throughout the day.
Be persistent, determined, and sincere.
Make the decision never to give away your power (energy) to any person or situation when you can use it instead to further your goals, dream, visualize, work, or heal in order to attract your ideal life.
At the end of each day reflect on how well you have done that day in sticking to your intention.
The Bottom Line
Changing your thought patterns and shifting your energy is the key to mastering your life and manifesting the reality you want, but it is a process. It takes determination and effort but also requires you to be gentle and self-loving.
There’s no point in getting frustrated with yourself along this journey, that will only slow you down!
Use these affirmations any time you get impatient:
- My past has shaped me into something wonderful.
- Some things take time, and that’s ok.
- I am growing into my fullest self.
- Everything will work out for me.
- I am willing to do what it takes.