How you Should Manifest According to Your Zodiac Sign

I believe in the mystery and miracles contained within our universe

and I know that we can all tap into that cosmic energy

and use it as a guide to navigate the dance of life. 

What if your individual star sign could provide extra insight

into how to best use that magic for yourself when manifesting? 

Why not let me know which star sign you are, reply to me here! 

Each zodiac sign brings specific traits, tendencies, qualities and strengths to the table,

and while all of us get an equal shot at manifesting,

wouldn’t it be great to know that as an Aries, or a Taurus,

you should be focusing more on XY and Z when you manifest? 

I think so, so let’s dive in and discover the secrets of manifesting according to your sign. 

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

A passionate, bold and dynamic fire sign,

Aries can manifest effectively by combining visualization with some sort of physical activity.

That’s because your energy is a little more external

and needs to be channeled into something positive and active.

Think challenging yourself to some sort of dance class, or maybe try a run or swim,

and as you move focus on your goals already achieved,

tapping into your desire reality like it’s here now. 

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

As a stable, consistent and grounded earth sign,

Taurus should focus on grounding and stabilizing their energy,

connecting to nature and trusting their self-belief. 

A great manifestation ritual is to plant some seeds, (literally) by choosing a plant or flower to grow,

and creating a ceremony around visualizing setting your own intentions

at the same time as planting actual seeds in the earth. 

As you take part in this symbolic and literal planting of seeds,

focus on your gardening tasks ahead as a time to reflect on your intentions

and what you want to manifest.

Remember to reflect on the aligned actions you can take to help this desire manifest,

and imagine how you will feel once it’s arrived in your life. 

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Gemini is an air sign, known for great communication skills and the ability to adapt.

Language and words are important for manifesting with this sign.

Take the time to focus on developing positive self-talk,

affirmations and clearly expressing your intentions. 

You could consider journaling what an ideal day in your newly manifested reality would look like,

and write out all the details, using all the senses to really immerse yourself in the experience.

Use your innate creativity to make it something you can easily visualize.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

A water sign, Cancer is deeply empathic and intuitive and is linked strongly to home and family. 

When it comes to manifesting, if you’re a Cancer you should focus on trusting your emotions

and on upgrading the energy of your surroundings. 

Doing something like intentionally decluttering and Feng Shui your home

is a way to invite in fresh energy during a manifestation ritual.

Taking part in a monthly clear-out or a seasonal closet-refresh is a great way

to literally and symbolically make way for your new manifestations to come true. 

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Bold and fiery Leo is famous for confidence, charisma and magnetism.

Leo folks should focus on using their abundant energy in a positive way,

perhaps dancing, singing or performing in some way. 

Why not play a carefully curated playlist that reflects how you want to feel

when you experience your manifestations as reality?

Sing and dance around your house and express yourself as only you know best. 

Moving like this is also a great way to release any blocked or stagnant energy

and create more of a free flowing energetic field around you instead,

inviting in all those desires of yours with your high vibes. 

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Ah, earthy, lovely Virgo, such a humble, kind and sensual sign.

Virgo is known for being organized, meticulous and service-oriented.

A great way to use that unique energy is to stay disciplined, focused,

and optimistic about your intentions. 

A quintessential Virgo thing to do is to create lists of your desires

with action steps that you can take to align with that energy.

Alternatively, if you’re feeling very stuck in the pursuit of perfection (a Virgo thing to do),

then focus instead on doing something nice for someone else,

that will help you to create a frequency of abundance and gratitude. 

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Air sign Libra is all about harmony, balance, and beauty.

Libra can use their innate creativity to make a beautiful vision board,

focusing on their talent for symmetry, aesthetics and sense of wonder. 

Use a variety of words, images, and textures to fill your vision board

with the kind of energy that makes you feel amazing and most of all aligned with the manifestations you seek. 

Once you have your board, look at it every single day

and allow yourself to steep in that energy, mentally and emotionally. 

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Scorpio is known for intensity, passion, and intuition.

This water sign is all about transformation,

think the phoenix rising from the ashes after being burned.

For that reason, a fire manifestation ritual is one of the best for Scorpios. 

Think transmuting old energy, any relationships you’ve outgrown, patterns or limiting beliefs,

memories, traumas and old thought patterns that you just don’t need to keep clinging to anymore. 

All of that can be released by writing a list or a letter about what you no longer desire to hold onto,

and submitting it to a fire source for release and the welcoming in of new energy. 

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Sagittarius is a fire sign, known for its boundless sense of adventure and optimism.

To manifest, this sign should tap into that energy of freedom,

and expansion perhaps by creating a ritual around some kind of adventure,

like a hike or a journey with friends somewhere new. 

Travel is important to you, so make plans to journey somewhere new,

perhaps going out of your comfort zone, and allow yourself to reflect on your desires

and how you will feel once that reality is a part of your life. 

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Earth sign,Capricorn, is disciplined, hardworking, and ambitious.

To manifest, Capricorn should focus on their goals and how to structure a plan to achieve them,

while also knowing they are co-creating with the universe. 

A great thing to do to is to draw up a plan or proposal with the universe as your partner.

Write down the action steps you will take, and leave the synchronicities and miracles to the universe.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Known for their innovation, quirky flair and independence,

Aquarius is an air sign that can think outside the box.

To manifest, use this unique vision and focus on visualizing your desires in an unconventional way. 

Consider bringing together a group of like minded friends to manifest together,

Aquarius has a knack for seeing how the individual and the collective work together. 

Sharing your dreams with others is a beautiful way to speak them into existence. 

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Pisces, a water sign, is compassionate, intuitive, and spiritual.

To manifest, you should focus on channeling your creative energy towards the desires you have. 

Art, whether it is painting, sculpting, singing, or writing

is a beautiful way to amplify your Piscean energy

and tap into the vibration of your manifestations through the medium of self-expression.