Life Lost its Spark? The Easiest Way to Reconnect with your Inner Joy and Heal your Sacral Chakra

Have you been feeling sluggish and uninspired lately?

Has life just lost a bit of spark for you? 

Reply to me here, let me know if that resonates with you. 

I know that I can help you shift those feelings. 

Believe it or not feeling that way could be partly down to an imbalanced Sacral Chakra.

I speak from experience here. 

A few years ago I was really struggling with a total lack of motivation.

It just felt like nothing could make me feel excited to get out of bed.

I knew it wasn’t actually depression, I just felt kind of meh, about everything. 

A friend of mine who had just come back from a meditation retreat,

suggested that I try doing some work to bring my Sacral Chakra back into balance. 

Guess what?

He was right on the mark!

It actually astonished me just how simple it was to regain my joy,

just by making a few small shifts in my day to day life and outlook. 

I want to share my experience with you, in the hopes that this information might land just where you need it,

so that you too can reconnect with your joie de vivre! 

Want to dive in with me? 

So, the Sacral Chakra is the second of the seven main energy centers.

It’s located in the lower abdomen, about two inches below the navel. 

This Chakra governs your creativity, confidence, and life force. 

This is your center for joy, laughter and playfulness. 

It’s the area that governs how you enjoy all aspects of life,

whether that be news of a big pay rise or a tropical vacation,

or simply those little things that make you grateful just to be alive today – the soft scent of freshly cut grass,

or the aroma of roasting coffee beans. 

I could tell you a range of things you can do to heal and bring into balance your Sacral Chakra,

and I have no doubt that all of them are helpful and can work. 

Things like affirmations, color healing, sound healing, journaling and visualization

are all amazing to have in your spiritual tool belt.

BUT you know what it REALLY was for me that transformed that state of mind? 

Shifting my perspective towards enjoying the slow, simple, beauty of life. 

I know.

It sounds kind of silly and trite, right?

But it’s not.

In fact it might just be the single most important thing you can do. 

The phrase, slow living has gained popularity lately, and I’m all about it. 

Instead of the hustle and grind of our busy lives on and off line,

slow living is about appreciating calm, connected, mindful tasks.

It’s about doing things slowly and with a sense of the present moment. 

You know those activities that you can get lost in and forget about how much time has passed? 

That’s what really made the difference for me. 

I started doing things I hadn’t done in years. 

Things like baking, gardening, and taking photos with my old camera.

I let myself appreciate the simple pleasure of making a lemon cream pie one sunny afternoon.

I planted a ton of vegetables in my back yard,

and I went out into the forest with my camera and took pictures

of the way the light shone through the branches of the trees. 

I even spent a whole sunday just decluttering my closet and cleaning it out. 

During these activities,

I didn’t catch up with a friend on the phone or squeeze in a podcast I needed to listen to.

I just simply allowed the moment to be still and spacious around me. 

I’m aware that this might sound corny. 

But let me tell you,

we all go through our lives with so much hurry and stress,

we don’t ever let ourselves slow right down and get lost in simple tasks. 

And what happened?

I found myself feeling happy.

I felt energized.

I felt alive.

I no longer dreaded getting up in the morning,

because I felt connected to myself and the wider world again. 

It was so fricking easy to to do. 

You know what the most amazing thing that happens once you get on a roll with losing yourself in activities like this? 

It leads to more and more of the same.

You feel inspired and connected and that leads to an endless flow of new ideas,

inspired actions, hobbies you want to try out, workshops you decide to join,

creative projects that suddenly come to you out of nowhere. 

The characteristics of a healed sacral chakra are that we allow ourselves to enjoy the little pleasures of life.

We feel inspired.

We feel stimulated. 

We embody the highest version of ourselves, in the present moment.

Just losing ourselves in the joy of simple activities!

Try it out and let me know how it goes for you!