The Zodiac Lowdown – New Moon in Cancer July 17th 2023

It’s time to create your intentions as the New Moon in Cancer arrives on July 17th, 2023. 

This July New Moon brings lovely energy with it as the New Moon is very much at home in watery and emotional Cancer.

The Moon is closely connected to our emotions, and feelings of comfort, security, and safety.

It’s also symbolic of loving feminine energy. 

All of this means we are likely to feel more in tune with our emotions, femininity, sensitivity, and with what makes us feel secure at the time of this New Moon. 

A great way to take advantage of this emotionally charged energy is to use it to tune in to your own deep emotions. 

Whatever your sign of the zodiac, use the New Moon to dig deep and allow yourself to explore and feel your emotions deeply.

Carve out precious time to let any challenging feelings or difficult emotions rise to the top to be processed, felt, and released.  

Any creative activities that you feel drawn to are going to help you navigate this time with ease.

Think journaling, meditating, free-writing, dancing, singing, painting, baking, creating new business ideas, or brainstorming your to-do lists and goals. 

The most important thing is to be present, grounded, and connected to your intuition. 

When you decide to sit down to write your New Moon manifesting intentions, think about coming from a place of deep inner understanding.

Know that your ability to connect with your harder-to-feel emotions helps you to discern your desires and direct the vision of your life with more clarity. 

The Cancer New Moon can also usher in situations in our lives that make us feel more aligned and purposeful.

Opportunities, people, or events could well occur that stir up and activate your soul calling within you. 

Be aware of what this looks like for you and take note.

The Universe doesn’t make mistakes when it is guiding you towards aligned and purposeful action that resonates with your life path. 

Pluto is also pretty active under this Cancer New Moon.

As the planet of death and rebirth, transformation is a deep possibility for us at this time.

That could show up in a myriad of ways but nuanced, emotional transformations are the most likely. 

You may find yourself reaching profound insights and feeling as though you have a crystal clear vision about certain aspects of your life and what changes need to be made.

This could come upon you out of the blue, or as you are falling asleep or meditating. 

Channel all of those insights into your intention setting.

Whatever profound understandings or transformations you come to during this time will affect your future, so integrate your findings into how you’re planning your next steps. 

 You may also find that Pluto in retrograde urges you to remember what you have been experiencing since last October.

Some of those themes may be recurring in your life again now.

Whenever that happens it’s because you need to be aware of something to clear and heal it or learn from it. 

The big takeaway from this watery, emotional New Moon in Cancer? 

  • Don’t be afraid of your big emotions.
  • Feel, embrace, and heal. 
  • Align your energy with radical transformations and awareness. 
  • That is the recipe for successful intention-setting and manifesting on a grand scale. 

Happy New Moon in Cancer.