Throat Chakra – Speak your Truth and Express Yourself to Manifest your Dreams 

To manifest what you want, you need the power of clear self-expression. 

There’s one chakra that can help you achieve that more than all the others – the throat chakra. 

When you have a healthy throat chakra, you are able to bridge the gap between instinct and expression.

You can find the balance between listening and speaking and will be able to move through your life experience with clarity in communication and expression. 

If your throat chakra is out of balance, you can find it hard to get things done.

That’s primarily down to one thing – a lack of clear connection to your true, divine, soul purpose. 

Think about it –

how could you ever expect to manifest a life of pure abundance if you cannot express what you truly yearn for?

To put it another way – how could you manifest your desires, if you cannot articulate what they are in an authentic way? 

Being able to use our language intentionally is a huge part of manifesting, and for that, we need truthful, authentic communication. 

It’s important to note that you should never think of the chakras as separate from one another, they are interconnected, each one with a unique frequency. 

To heal and unblock your throat chakra, you also need to work through the lower chakras, in order to have the best success. 

Our thoughts and intentions are transmitted through the throat chakra via words and language. Words are powerful.

You can use them to create anything you want!

But many of us are not able to properly harness this power. 

You have to align the language you use with your intention, as challenging as that can sometimes be! 

Practice making sure that the words you use with others and with yourself are always precise, present tense, and free of doubt.

They need to be positive and not negative. 

You can literally create your own reality with the words you choose!

For example, if your intention is to open your own business, speak the words:

“I am an entrepreneur.” 

Check yourself throughout the day to make sure you are never contradicting that statement. 

It’s one thing to say “I am an entrepreneur” when you wake up in the morning but if you spend the rest of the day contradicting that by saying, “I hate my current job” or “I never make enough money,” then you are not using your words as wisely as you could!

Don’t limit your ability to manifest because you are careless with your words.

You have to realize the power you hold every time you open your mouth. 

The following activities can also help to anchor your power in your throat chakra energy center.

Try practicing daily sound mantras to help open and release any blocks you might be holding in your throat chakra: 

Sound Mantras:

Repeat the word ‘Hum’ several times.

This is the sound mantra associated with the throat chakra in the pitch of G. 

This will help to open and release your throat chakra and bring balance and the vibration of truth and clear expression. 


Visualize a powerful, healing blue light expanding around your throat and vocal cords.

Feel this light opening and cleansing your throat chakra, giving it positive power and strength. 


Write and then speak aloud affirmations such as these: 

I speak my truth with ease

My voice is strong and clear

I am comfortable in silence. 

I can easily express my ideas