As of May 1, 2023, Pluto has returned to Retrograde and will remain there until October 10, 2023.
This Pluto Retrograde is also retrograding through the sign of Aquarius until June 11th – the first time this has happened in our lifetime!
After June 11th Pluto returns to Capricorn, so this window of time between now and June 11th is a unique opportunity to explore the themes that arise with this Pluto-Aquarius pairing .
What does Pluto Retrograde indicate?
Pluto Retrograde is about guiding us to review the past. You seek to understand all that has transformed, fallen, or reappeared in your life.
You must use this time to dive deep into your own consciousness, asking yourself important questions about your life.
I know people get anxious when astrologers talk about retrogrades, but there’s no need to be afraid!
When the planets go retrograde it is a wonderful window of opportunity to reflect and clear space in your life.
Pluto in Aquarius is extra special because it signifies the beginning of a brand new cycle – a powerful transition into the Age of Aquarius.
Big, overarching Pluto/Aquarius pairing themes include:
- Technological advances
- Focus on the collective and global community
- Humanitarianism
- Spiritual evolution
With this Pluto Retrograde, you find yourself revisiting two periods from the past.
March 23, 2023, and October 8, 2022
Look back at these times and consider what might have changed in your life since then.
What transformation took place? What evolutions took place?
Any theme that Pluto brings to be examined will always have a light and a dark side.
Pluto is all about death and rebirth – the process of things being destroyed and then re-created in a new transformation.
It is not always so easy to see where Pluto can bring things to a review, in fact, you may not have the full picture of the lessons and wisdom that was intended for you until the end of the retrograde journey.
Pluto doesn’t stay forever in Aquarius until November 2024, which may be when you see the fullness of what this cycle means, both for you individually and for the wider collective.
How to work with the Energy of Pluto Retrograde
Remember that what you plant in your subconscious and sustain with repetition and emotion will one day become your reality.
You need to make sure that you are looking at something in the way between living your highest life and living in your highest frequency.
Since Pluto is all about exploring the shadow, it is a very opportune time to look at what causes you to put blocks between what you are experiencing and the life you want to manifest.
It is easy to know what you want, to be clear about your desires but what is necessary to bring those desires into reality is a deep understanding of what you do to block their existence.
Journaling about what kinds of things hold you back is an amazing way to use Pluto Retrograde energy.
Often, aspects of our experience and identity so far in this life are repressed and pushed away. It’s time to take them outside to heal.
Stop pushing emotions and feel them.
Let Pluto show you all the revelations you need so you can heal, and move forward with grace and ease – with total power.
Journal Prompts for Use:
- Where do I let fear stop me?
- What do I need to grieve and release?
- How does it feel to be strong?
- What is no longer working in my life?
- How could I make a significant change starting today?
- If I go deep into my own inner conflict, what do I see?

Obviously, any traumatic experiences you are working through need to be supported by professionals and those who love you.
Get your closest network and make sure you have support when you go through challenging emotions or situations.
Another great way to work with this energy is to practice loving your decisions and stepping into your greatest power.
The more you love your own decisions in life, the less you need other people to love them.
In other words, you don’t need external validation when you can rely on yourself.
The fastest way to step into your power is to review where you are giving it to other people.
What people, situations, or beliefs have long made you feel powerless?
Where are you afraid of your power?
What can you do to tap into your power today, this week, or next month?
Confront what you fear and realize that in doing so, you remove the power it has over you.
Try using this affirmation: In every situation, I have the inner power.
Know that whatever experiences you are going through, the energy of Pluto Retrograde, like all astrological events, is working to support the highest version of you, if you let it.
But you have to do the work. You must be brave enough to look into the darker aspects of your consciousness, knowing that you are always a work in progress, moving towards the highest version of yourself.
Enjoy the beauty of becoming and don’t be afraid of the challenges! This period of time will push you to succeed and attract incredible opportunities.
Always remember that you are your own healer and you hold the power within to transform and create your life experience in every moment.