Use the Energy of Leo Season to Attract Positivity and Abundance 

As the sun glides into Leo Season (July 22 – August 22), it sets the stage for a time of abundance, confidence, creativity, and prosperity.

The energy that accompanies fiery Leo is bursting with opportunities to ignite your inner passions and renew your zest for life!

Leo is ruled by the sun, which represents that divine spark within us all – the light that guides us toward our authentic purpose. 

This Leo Season 2023 is a particularly auspicious time due to an increasing number of planets going retrograde.

That strong energy is like a magnetic pull toward the past – an invitation to review, reflect, and reconsider anything that is still unsolved. 

Venus and Chiron will be stationing retrograde during Leo season, as well as the planet Mercury, which will be slowing down in anticipation of its retrograde on August 23rd. 

By the time Leo Season is over, there will be six major retrogrades. 

No matter what your sign of the zodiac is, let’s dive into how you can tap into the wonderful, abundant energies of Leo Season to unleash your full potential! 

Embody the Confidence of the Lion 

Leo is symbolized by the lion and all its associated qualities of self-confidence, charisma, strength, and boldness. Use that energy to discover your own self-belief and embody the strength and fearlessness of Leo. 

Use this time to burst out of your comfort zone and leap courageously toward what you really want.

Now is your time to take action toward your desires. 

Action Step: Practice seeing yourself as the most confident version of yourself.

What would that version of you do? In what ways can you be that version of yourself during this season? 

Develop a Positive Mindset 

This Leo season, use the powerful energy to release all your limiting beliefs and step into a mindset of true abundance instead.

If you find it hard to believe that you are worthy of the things you desire, the Leo energy will help you to move past those obstacles and negative thought patterns. 

It’s a wonderful time to be disciplined about your affirmation and visualization practice for the cosmos right now is supportive of cultivating a positive mindset.

The more you align with the energy of abundance, the more prosperity you will attract into your life. 

Action Step: Write out a plan for all the things you will do once you receive your dream sum of money.

Focus on it daily, and feel yourself having that sum. 

Cultivate Creative Energy 

With the Sun as its ruler, Leo embodies everything that is creative, expressive, and passionate.

It’s the most perfect time to embrace your own creative energy and find outlets for your authentic expression. 

Tap into your inner writer, artist, musician, or entrepreneur, and allow yourself to experience fearless self-expression.

Show up for yourself as the creative being you truly are and allow everything you have repressed to be released. 

Action Step: If you find it hard to do this, ask yourself the question:

What would I do if I wasn’t afraid to express myself?

What does my unique creative self yearn to say or do? 

Be bold enough to try something different this Leo Season.

Harness the radiant energy that is available and use it to attract abundance in all areas of your life. 

You are deserving of a life of joy, success, and limitless abundance.

If you work on really knowing that this is a fact, you will see your life unfold in a miraculous way.