Vibration and Desires: How Alignment Unlocks Manifestation Magic

Discover the energy you radiate: positive or negative?

Take a moment to ponder.

Your vibrations are transmitted through your thoughts, actions, and words.

And it’s not just you.

Everything around you resonates with its own unique energy.

But when it comes to manifesting your desires, simply desiring them and believing in them is not enough.

To attract what you truly want, you must first align your vibrational frequency.

So, how can you determine your vibrational alignment?

1. Identify Your Emotional State

It’s as simple as this—if you feel great, then you’re all good!

That means you’re in a high vibrational space. On the other hand, if you feel bad, then your vibrations are low. 

Go within and check in with your emotional state.

Ask yourself important questions like:

How are you in general?

How are you feeling?

Is there anything bothering you?

Do you feel happy most of the time?

Your emotional condition has to be worked on if you find yourself at a low vibrational level.

There is nothing worse than being stuck in a state with low vibration.

What you can do is work on changing your emotional state.

Do things that make you happy and be grateful.

Because healing or attracting the life you desire won’t be possible when you’re in a low vibrational space.

2. Assess What You Look Like

Indeed, looks are subjective, but you know exactly how you look better than anybody else.

The easiest way to check your vibration is to check yourself out in the mirror. 

Of course, we have days when we just look amazing and that’s everything is just on point—the hair, skin, makeup, outfit, etc. However, it’s not like this every day.

There are also days when you feel like blah.

The days when you question yourself in front of the mirror—is it the hair?

The eyebrows? Is something wrong with the shirt you picked out?

The reality is, what you put out there is what you’ll get back.

Therefore, if you are in a higher vibrational state, it will show! You just feel good about everything.

You will be surprised at how quickly your appearance will change according to your vibrational levels. 

3. Check What’s Manifesting Around You

When you’re in a high vibrational state, things will just go your way.

You will notice that positive things will just happen. And it continues to happen.

So, if you look around and notice that everything just works for you, then you’re in a high vibrational state, and this is the perfect time to start your manifestation process. 

As you gain more awareness of the polarities between lower and higher vibrations, you will start to recognize a more significant division between the dark and light.

You will find yourself consciously choosing between higher and lower vibrations, which will direct you towards a better life. 

So, what do you think about your vibrational alignment lately?

Do you feel like you’re ready to finally manifest the life you deserve, not just by wanting and believing, but because you know radiate the right energy?