Are you one of the few people who had the taste to manifest what you wanted?
Maybe it wasn’t a big item or something that seemed like that, but it was a moment when everything was going your way.
It was effortless, easy, and maybe even unexpected.
You had creative ideas come to you, and you were intuitive to the events around you.
I seemed to be in tune with the Universe.
I asked for something, and suddenly it appeared. You didn’t know how but he did.
You asked the paths before you. Which one would you choose?
Both paths felt good, but you could only choose one.
And somehow, deep inside you, you knew that you would be fine no matter what path you chose. You knew everything was going to work out in the end.
You were one with the Universe, and it conspired to propel you to the heights you were shooting for. But then I lost the flow.
As if you were destroyed from this Utopia and pulled into a portal — Portal of reality.
You are left wondering how to get back to that state because that is the state we should all be operating in.
Believe it or not, this state is not difficult to slip back into.
Maybe you have a spiritual practice, or maybe you don’t.
But scientific research shows what happens when we have a spiritual practice, whether through meditation or by immersing ourselves in certain sounds or through religious practice; Everything leads to a state that minds enter into.
You may have heard of the Theta range. You know about the Alpha and Beta states, but what about Theta?
Why is Theta what we want to achieve?
When you enter this state, you perform at an effortless level.
Your stress and anxiety levels decrease, and you begin to heal.
Your body begins to relax, and the constant mental noise and distractions are barely audible.
Your intuition sharpens, your creativity flows through you, and you come up with brilliant idea after brilliant idea.
You are once again performing at your best.
This is that elusive state where once everything fell into place.
Often called the bridge between the conscious and the subconscious, science is only discovering a tip of this phenomenon.