When You Wish Upon A Star: Manifest with The Dreamy Vibes of the Pisces Super New Moon

Prepare yourself for a wonderful New Moon in Pisces on March 10.

It is in fact also a Super New Moon!

Did you know New Moons can also be Super? 

That just means that the moon is closer to Earth in its orbit.

While we won’t see it unlike during a Full Moon, we will still feel the power of its strong energies.

New Moons always represent the beginning of a new cycle and this particular cycle is marching us into the astrological new year AND Eclipse season,

both of which will bring transformation, magical vibes and opportunities. 

The Pisces Super New Moon stands at the threshold of these brand new energies

and offers us a chance to set intentions, dream, and visualize a new life for ourselves moving forward. 

Pisces shows us that you can break through any obstacles and create whatever you desire.

You are dreaming your future into being right now. 

This time at the beginning of the Moon cycle is abundant and fertile –

there has never been a better moment to plant the seeds of your deepest intentions. 

This New Moon is one of the BEST in the entire year for focusing on your creativity,

igniting your inner fire and connecting deeply to your intuition. 

There are also no planets currently in retrograde,

meaning there is a lot of forward moving energy in the skies to support you in creating your dreams and taking action. 

What can you do to make the most of this New Moon? 

Go with The Creative Flow 

Fully embrace the dreamy, artistic energy of Pisces and allow yourself full rein to be as wildly creative as you like.

Unleash your inner child and let that lead you towards true self expression

through writing, painting, dancing, playing music, or whatever way you choose to be creative. 

You don’t have to have a creative profession or hobby to do this.

You can bring creativity to whatever you do,

whether that be cooking, teaching, parenting, working with others – you name it. 

The main message?

Give yourself permission to flow in Pisces’ dreamy energy. 

Spend Time Visualizing 

Take at least five minutes of your day to visualize yourself living your perfect, dream day from morning to night.

Focus on how you FEEL as you observe yourself in your perfect relationship, or living out whatever dream scenario you choose. 

Try to actually feel the purity of your positive emotions, that is the best way to actually manifest with this particular Super New Moon. 

Rest assured that the time you spend doing this is sending out the right vibrational frequency into the Universe,

and what comes back to you will perfectly match your feelings in the visualization. 

Just a few short minutes of powerful focused energy like this is enough to shift your reality fast.

The main message?

Believe that anything you dream of is 100% possible. 

Listen to your Heart 

Practice listening to your heart over your mind, for your heart is what will lead you to your highest life path. 

Use the powerful energy of this Super New Moon to strengthen your connection to your intuition.

This is about surrender, trust, and feeling your way through things because you know that your heart always has the answers. 

The main message?

The best thing you can do is hold strong and fast to your vision and KNOW that your creations are on their way, soon to manifest in your life.