Your Money Story… The Secret Narrative That’s Sabotaging Your Wealth?

Let me ask you something important… 

What’s your money story? 

Have you ever really thought about it?

I know, that might sound a bit strange at first, but stick with me. 

Your money story is like a book you’ve been writing since childhood…

filled with beliefs and feelings about money that have shaped your entire life.

Here’s the truth…

The story you tell yourself about money—what it means, how it works,

and its role—has more power than you might realize.

The thing is, we all have a money story.

It’s shaped by the things we hear growing up, our feelings about money,

and the habits we’ve picked up along the way.

But not all stories serve us well. 

Some hold us back. 

Some keep us stuck. 

But guess what? 

You have the power to rewrite your story, and when you do,

you open the door to a whole new world of possibilities.

Before we dive in, I want you to close your eyes for a sec. 

Think about money. 

What pops up? Excitement? Worry? 

Whatever it is, share it in your reply.

Let’s share and learn together!

I’m sharing this today because I believe you deserve to live a life of abundance,

free from the limits of a story that no longer serves you. 

With that said, let’s start by figuring out what your money story actually is…

Go Back in Time

First, let’s go back in time. 

What did your family say about money? 

Maybe it was things like, “Money doesn’t grow on trees,” or “We can’t afford that.” 

These words stick with us and become the foundation of our money story.

Feel the Feelings

Now, think about how you feel when you deal with money. 

What comes up? 

Is it joy, fear, or maybe even anger? 

These feelings are clues. 

They show you what your current money story looks like.

Spot the Patterns

Next, look at the patterns in your life. 

Do you always save every penny,

or do you spend as soon as you get paid? 

These patterns are part of your money story too,

and they tell you a lot about what you believe.

Find the Beliefs

Dig a little deeper and find the beliefs that drive these patterns. 

Do you think rich people are bad? 

Do you believe you’ll never have enough? 

These beliefs might just be old stories that aren’t true anymore.

Question Everything

Now, it’s time to question everything. 

Are these beliefs really true? 

Or are they just stories you’ve been telling yourself for years? 

Remember, you’re the author.

You can change the story whenever you want.

Flip the Script

Here’s where the magic happens. 

Flip the script.

Change “I’m bad with money” to “I’m learning about money every day.” 

These small changes can greatly affect how you see yourself and your financial life.

Create New Memories

Start creating new, positive memories with money. 

Do something fun, like treating a friend to coffee or buying something that brings you joy. 

These new experiences help you build a new, happier money story.

Talk It Out

Sometimes, sharing your money fears with someone you trust can make all the difference. 

Talking it out helps you see things more clearly and start healing any negative feelings about money.

Dream Big

Take a moment to dream big. 

What would your ideal money story look like? 

Picture yourself living that story. 

What does it feel like? 

What does it look like? 

Let this vision inspire you.

Take Baby Steps

Finally, take baby steps. 

Each day, do one tiny thing to support your new money story. 

Maybe it’s saving a dollar, reading a financial article,

or simply repeating your new mantra. 

These small actions add up over time and help you live out your new story.

Start Your New Chapter Today

So, what’s your next step? 

Take some time today to reflect on your money story. 

Write down the old one, and then start editing it. 

Keep it simple, keep it positive, and make it something that inspires you.

Then, live it.

Let your new story guide your actions, your decisions, and your feelings about money.

You’ll be amazed at how powerful this simple change can be.

Remember, you’re the author of your life. 

Your money story is just one chapter,

and you have the power to make it a story of abundance, freedom, and joy.

So, tell me, what will your new money story be?

Share it in the comments below.

I’d love to hear how you’re rewriting your story and stepping into a new reality.