At some point in our lives, we all doubt whether we are actually on the right path or not. Maybe we wonder if we have chosen the right career, the place to live or even whether or not we are with the right partner. Indecision and doubt are a normal part of life, however, sometimes we need a little guidance from the Universe if we’ve gone off track. Learn the 12 warning signs the Universe sends you when you’re on the wrong track in life.
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We live in a vibrational Universe where everything and everyone is connected. You are always part of the whole, you cannot be separated from it, and you are an expression of the universe. This means that the universe always reflects back to us our own perspectives. These may not always be our conscious or intentional perspectives, but our reality is a reflection of the vibration we are giving off.
The emotions you experience are an indication of your alignment or not. If you are feeling anxious, fearful or depressed, this is a sign that you are blocking the flow of universal energy and resisting your well-being. If you are feeling positive, creative, happy and expectant, you are in the flow of the universe and in alignment with your desires.
So if you are confused about whether you are on the right path in life or not, all you need to do is learn to access your own guidance system. Practice checking in with your emotions and see what feels right for you. You don’t have to try very hard, the universe will already be talking to you in its subtle way, making you wake up and get back on track.
Jo Simpson reveals a wonderful example of this in her ted talk on listening to the nudges of the Universe. She discusses how she wanted to take a mentoring course but it cost $3,500, which she didn’t have. She went and then changed her mind; she knew she had to do it; it was her call. She went back and put it on her credit card, regardless, horrified, but she knew she was following her path. The very next day, she was told she had to cash in her shares at work because her company was taking over.
The amount they arrived at? $3,500 exactly. Coincidence? Or the universe let her know you made the right decision following her instinct.
The universe is always supportive and never fails to communicate what your higher self is really thinking about any obstacle you are facing.
There are twelve signs that help us identify that we need to make some changes in life.
If you are constantly feeling irritable and every little thing gets on your nerves, it may be time to evaluate what is going on in your life. Some level of stress goes along with life, but if you are always upset and obstacles seem to rise in front of you, it may be the universe that encourages you to make some changes in your life. They don’t have to be huge, maybe it’s just a sign to address your work-life balance, rather than totally changing your profession. Only you can tell what is right for you, you have to trust your intuition.
Stress Levels
You may start to feel as if no matter what is going on, you will still feel stressed. Maybe you can’t exactly put your finger on the cause, but you know you feel constantly stressed. Even if things seem to be normal, you still feel an increase in stress, it is a good time to look at the factors that may be triggering the anxiety. If everything looks fine on the surface, but you know in your gut that something is still troubling you, it may be that you need to change course.
Desire for Change
When you have a persistent feeling that you want to change things in your life, pay attention. This is often one of the small ways that the universe communicates to us what our higher self really desires. A feeling of uneasiness begins to creep into your thoughts and feelings and you may find yourself yearning to do something drastic or out of character. This is just your inner self, unconsciously seeking change.
It’s always good to listen to these feelings sooner rather than later, even if you can logically explain to yourself why change would be too big and unnecessary, if change is needed to live the best version of your life , you have no need to fear . The universe always guides you to the best path.
You look for new opportunities without even realizing it.
Maybe you’ve recently started a new job but still find yourself drawn to the idea of doing something totally different. Do not push these feelings, the best thing to do is to try to analyze the reasons behind them and act accordingly. You may be on the wrong path and not really realize it, but your higher self (the universe) is gently pointing you in the direction of something better. Ted talk example, she maintained.
Being easily distracted.
Most of us get easily distracted, especially in today’s world with so much information at our fingertips. Procrastinating and being distracted are two different things though. If you find yourself welcoming the distraction and enjoying it more than you should your chosen profession or whatever, it may be time to think about changing your focus. Your true calling in life will make you feel good more often than not, even when it’s challenging.
Obstacles or strange coincidences
When you are in alignment and on the right path, you are open to the synchronicity and easy flow of universal energy. When you’re on the wrong track things don’t feel as effortless and smooth. On the contrary you can lose a lot, experience an accident or encounter obstacles that seem to hinder your progress. It depends on how drastic they are and most importantly, the way it makes you feel, it could be the universe sending an indication that you should change the path.
Strong feelings of doubt
If you experience strong feelings of doubt about your chosen path, try to distinguish a healthy sense of humility from an instinct that you should be doing something else. Self-doubt is part of human nature in small amounts, but confidence and self-belief should be prominent. If you are questioning your choices and even feeling sad or depressed about them, try to imagine what it would be like to do something else. If that feeling makes your heart soar, listen to it and take action. Life is too short to be happy.
You spend more time alone than with others.
If you are in a state of doubt of your decisions in life, you may begin to isolate yourself from others. If you find yourself canceling plans or avoiding certain people, check in with your reasons. If you are feeling awkward and not confident and therefore prefer to be alone because it is easier, take this into account. In this way it leads to depression and loneliness. We all need human interaction, even the loneliest of us. Remember that the universe is here to help, and talking to others is often a great way to gain clarity about our choices.
Gradual Loss of Interest
If you start a new job or relationship feeling excited and passionate but gradually lose interest, it may be time to walk away and take a step in another direction. Life takes us through ups and downs of course, but a slow decline in interest in a short space of time is another way the universe shows us that we are on the wrong path. Try to tune into your inner feelings and decide if this is still the right course for you or not.
Physical Symptoms
Our bodies and minds are 100% connected. When something is not right in our life, our bodies are a physical reflection of disharmony. This can manifest in the form of headaches, rashes, insomnia, or any number of minor or major symptoms. Listen carefully to your body because your health is very important for your happiness. A physical reaction to stress should not be taken lightly, and is one of the most intense ways the universe can try to get the message that it’s time to change your perspective.
Lack of Clarity
The feeling of clarity is a powerful and positive emotion and is connected to being in alignment with the universe. When you feel sure of what you want, you know that inside you are doing the right thing and thus comes a calm confidence. If you are on the wrong path in life, you will feel the exact opposite. You may often be late, forget things or simply suffer from a confused and foggy mind. The universe wants you to clear the clutter internally and make room for the right decisions to guide you.
This is the most striking sign of all, because he never fails to tell the truth. What your inner voice or gut feeling is communicating, is probably what you need to hear. Your instincts are an immediate connection between you and your higher self. Don’t ignore your gut feeling, it’s there because you want what’s best for you. Listen to your intuition, and explore what’s behind the feeling there. That is the real guidance and it is right within you all the time.
The universe never fails to speak to us, the question is, are you listening? If you want to know what to look out for, read here about other ways the universe tries to send us messages, through sacred signs.
Learn How To Read The Secret “Signs” From The Universe To Guide You To Unlimited Wealth, Success, and Happiness!