In manifestation, self-belief plays an important part.
Without it, you won’t be able to push through what you want to happen.
You must cultivate a firm and unwavering belief in yourself.
You must believe that the things you desire are possible for you, and you must have enormous faith in your own tremendous success.
You have to believe in yourself.
Believe that you are capable.
Believe that you are limitless because the truth is… you are.
Belief is the number one ingredient to manifesting abundance.
This is because when you believe that something is true, you enter a state where anything is possible.
The world becomes a place for endless opportunities.
But we still have many built-in beliefs that do not serve us in our search for a happier and more abundant life.
Often these are learned in childhood, passed on from our parents or from school.
Many of these negative beliefs are difficult to let go of, especially when it comes to money and what we feel we deserve to receive.
The biggest negative belief that I have come across in my experience is the belief that most of us share.
The belief that we are not worthy.
It’s a big one, and as universal as it is, you have to do everything you can to change this belief as long as you hold it, you’re keeping yourself out of your abundance.
- You may feel that you do not deserve to receive the money because your parents never did.
- You may feel that you are not worthy to change your creative work because it is not good enough in your mind.
- Maybe you feel that you are not worthy because you have never felt proud of yourself.
- Maybe you feel that you are not worthy because your life has felt small so far.
The list of reasons why we feel unworthy is long and specific to our individual lives and past experiences.
The bottom line is that as long as you continue to feel unworthy, you use it as an excuse for procrastination.
Feeling not good enough means you create more and more reasons not to focus on what you want.
When you feel unworthy you simply create more procrastination that keeps you from getting where you really want to be.
It is so easy to rationalize this form of resistance.
As Steven Pressfield says in his excellent book “The War of Art,” we do not tell ourselves, “I will never write my symphony.”
Instead of saying, “I will write my symphony; I will start tomorrow.”
Start changing this belief that you are not worthy today.
Read stories about people who have done the things you dream of doing.
What did they do to get there?
I bet none of them got there by slacking off and feeling unworthy.
At the heart of every success story is passion, belief and self-esteem.
When you have these three things you have a laser like focus to take action to make your dreams come true.
Wondering how to get rid of any feelings of unworthiness?
- Affirmations
- Meditation
- Journaling
- We work to raise your vibration in general
- We let go of past resentments and negative patterns
Yes, it’s hard work, but it’s totally within your reach.
You have to believe that you are 100% worthy of the incredible and infinite abundance of the Universe.
Just like every single living person is.
There is no real difference between you and someone you admire who seems to have it all.
Yes, they may have had a different start in life, different influences, and so on, but as far as the man who is capable of manifesting whatever you desire is concerned, there is no difference.
You can do anything you want, just BELIEVE!
So, what do you say? Isn’t it time to go for the life of your dreams?