How to Cleanse Your home Energetically and Create Positive Energy

Your home should be your sanctuary. It’s where you spend most of your quality time, especially this year, with the pandemic forcing many of us to spend more hours at home than ever before.

Your home should be a sacred, tranquil, energized place where you feel positive, grounded, and your retreat from the world to recharge. Your living space should inspire growth, creativity and harmony.

Having a tranquil and inspiring space to live in is important to your life. It has a greater impact than we realize on our overall energetic vibrations and can help us live our purpose.

As we move further into November and approach the end of the year, it’s an ideal time to think about how you can raise the vibration in your home and clear any old, stagnant energy.

Sometimes, despite our best intentions, it can be difficult to keep our homes free of negative energy or clutter. If you have small children, it can be challenging to stay on top of the daily messes that occur naturally. Maybe we have a lot of visitors, noisy neighbors, or our living space doesn’t feel big enough to create the kind of dream home we want.

I promise you can create your own harmonious sanctuary no matter what! Even if you are currently living in a place that feels uncomfortable or disruptive, it doesn’t matter.

Energy is what matters, whether you live in a big house or a small studio apartment.

Step One: Create a Goodbye List

You will make a list of all the things you want to get rid of. These can be behaviors, habits, items you own, patterns that distract you, negative thinking that gets in your way or lifestyle choices you wish to change.
This is not just about reducing your physical space, any blocks and “clutter” you mentally and emotionally are linked to your external environment.

You may have thought of learning new recipes and cooking more or planning meals every week, but your cluttered kitchen drawers and lack of space do not inspire and motivate you at all, so you stay delay your return to culinary action!
Or maybe you like to feel more professional in your work, but feel frustrated by your messy desk or digital desktop (are you one of those people with 2500 unread emails?!).

If you want to be someone who dresses well and feels good about your style, you need to throw away old, worn clothes and give away something that no longer satisfies you.

Step Two: Clear Up the Embarrassment

We have a more extensive blog about this here but suffice it to say; clearing clutter can be an overwhelming task. You need to allocate enough time and energy to do it properly.

Start with what you know for sure you want to let go of (according to the goodbye list you made).

As a general rule, take your decluttering in sections and try to be as intuitive as possible when making the decision to throw it away or keep it.

Step Three: Air, Space and Light

Darkness or darkness and stuffy, stagnant air can create an environment that feels low in energy and does nothing to lift your spirits. The light and fresh air accelerates the vibration of energy, so where possible open windows, blinds and curtains and let natural light enter your home.

Clean your windows and window sills regularly and make sure there are no obstacles in front of them, blocking light or positive energy coming in from outside.

Step Four: Sage and Palo Santo

Use sage or palo santo to do a spiritual cleansing of your home. Both of these have been used for many years to expel negative energy and ensure the safety and protection of your home.

They are healing and calming with an evocative scent that transforms negative energy after an argument or any type of toxic situation that may have occurred within your four walls.

Simply burn sage or palo santo and let the smoke rise in the corners of your home. It is best to walk and shake the smoke in all areas (under the tables, up in the corners of the ceiling) and declare out loud the intention ‘I leave my house only positive energy, strong and cheerful.”

Step Five: Crystals, Essential Oils, and Plants

You can increase the positive vibrations of your home with crystals, strategically placed plants and by diffusing essential oil in a burner or spray.

Crystals such as Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz, Jade, Amethyst and Tiger’s Eye are great options to have on your windowsills, in bowls or arranged in grids. Any place in your home that you feel could benefit from a boost of positive energy is the ideal place to put your crystals.

Himalayan Salt Lamps are also beautiful and calming tools for removing stress and tension and air pollutants.

Sixth Step: Sound Vibration

Sound is an incredibly powerful healer. The clear and pure vibrations of bells or chanting can enhance your environment and boost energy. Whenever you feel you need to lift the mood, clear the energy in your room or before a visitor comes, simply ring one of your bells or tap the singing bowl.

You can also consider hanging a wind chime in a doorway or on the patio if you have one, for a gentle and tranquil sound whenever there is a breeze.

Enjoy transforming your space, and remember that you have to choose what stays and what goes! Focus on creating positive energy.

Happy Cleaning!