The Hawaiian Healing Art of Ho’oponopono

Do you know about the ancient Hawaiian healing practice of Ho’oponopono?

Lately, we’ve been talking a lot about the positive things that can come from this enforced lockdown.

It is possible that from these weeks of quarantine will come a greater sense of community, an increase in kindness, a shared experience, and a reduction in life.

We can begin to tune into the sacred ways of thinking, feeling, being and doing as a result of this.

Of course, many people were open and awake 👀 already to different ideas and methods of energy healing and vibrational medicine.

The healing practice of Ho’oponopono traditionally practiced by native Hawaiian healers involves different steps, but there is a contemporary version that has been simplified to include only four steps.

Simple mantras that hold powerful healing energy, for you and others. The mantras are:

  • I’m sorry
  • Please forgive me
  • Thank you
  • i love you

Ho’oponopono became popular when Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, a therapist from Hawaii cured a ward of criminally insane patients without talking to them or spending time with them. He did this by healing himself with Ho’oponopono practice.

What does it mean?

Dr. Hew Len reviewed his patient files and decided to heal himself in order to heal those patients. How?
Instead he looked within himself to discover what was happening within him that created the experience he was finding in others or in the outside world. He asked himself, “What is happening in me that is creating this experience?” and then recite the mantras to clarify and release the discordance, data or karma he had with the patients.

Dr. Len said, “If I see you as crazy, it’s just my experience of you, so if I clear this up, I can no longer see you like that.”
At the heart of his perspective is the concept that we take responsibility for everything that enters our experience, and through the four mantras, we remove it with forgiveness and love ❤️, therefore, we change the experience that we have and how we perceive others and the world around us.

It is about being willing to take responsibility for removing discord that you did not personally create, because of the belief that we are all one. There is no separation, “Thou art in me and I in thee.”

By assuming responsibility, forgiving and loving himself and all patients, Dr. Len was able to create healing for them and for himself. With this he was very successful, his patients began to be cured and his work gained international prestige.
Ho’oponopono is much more complex than reciting the four simple mantras, however, it is a great place to start.
Ho’oponopono is a wonderful healing tool for:

  • Clearing energy
  • Healing family dynamics
  • Healing relationships
  • I let go of past relationships
  • We come to peace with death
  • Removes any karmic ties or past life issues

The miracle of Ho’oponopono is that you don’t need to involve others or let them know what you are doing for it to work. You just do it on your own.

How could this possibly work? Why would it affect someone else for you to heal yourself?

Well, everything you see really happens in your mind. Every single person you meet, every experience you have and all the things you see and hear are happening inside your mind. 🧠

It may sound strange to you at first, but everything you think and everything that comes to your attention is your responsibility. This means that you also have the power to clean it and change it with this healing technique.

How to Practice Ho’oponopono

Decide who the person or situation is that you want to heal your relationship with. Bring them to mind, even though this work is really only about you. Visualizing the person or situation simply aids in the healing process.

1. “I’m sorry”

The Hawaiian Healing Art of Ho'oponopono

Say sorry to the person, apologize for anything and everything that comes to mind. You may not have caused the situation, but here in this first step of the mantras, you are taking responsibility for your energy and involvement that have added to it. By apologizing, you begin to heal any karma or energetic patterns and ties that may have allowed this situation in your life.

2. “Please Forgive Me”

After your apology, ask to be forgiven. This step is about self-forgiveness; to clear the energy between you and this person or situation. Allow yourself to feel that forgiveness has been granted to you. Allow yourself to be freed from all that you have apologized for. You are forgiven of everything, no matter what.

3. “Thank you”

In this step, you are thanking the person for forgiving you and also for everything they have done for you. Any lessons they have taught you or that have arisen from your contact with them. Thank them for what they have contributed to your life. Thank them for being part of your life and for giving you the chance to heal this energy. Then channel that gratitude back to yourself, thanking yourself for taking healing steps.

4. “I love you”

The Hawaiian Healing Art of Ho'oponopono

Send waves of your loving energy towards the person or situation. Remember how you love them and tell them so. This part of the process is about loving them and recognizing that their soul is like yours. What is inside them is inside you. Send your love to them and know that even if it is challenging, you can try to open your heart and find the love within it to direct towards this person.

The beauty of reciting these mantras is that even as you are directing them at the person or situation you wish to heal, that same healing is reflected back to you.

Ho’ponopono sends healing to both individuals and is a powerful way to clear your energetic bonds with others, and release anything that is causing you fear, worry or holding you back from vitality and greatness.

Why not give it a chance?

Ideally, you should practice the mantras every day for a month, or until you feel that you have healed the situation within yourself.
It is an incredibly cleansing, liberating and powerful healing practice and will bring you great harmony at any time.