Manifest Your Best Life NOW!

And now, ladies and gentlemen, the moment you’ve been waiting for – the answer to everything, how to actually use the Law of Attraction to manifest in order to truly “live your best life”?

There are many shortcuts and tricks, vision boards, meditations, and crystals out there, and yes they all help, they all have a place in your life to work with the Law of Attraction, without a doubt!
But the bottom line is that you must become an authentic vibrational match for the life you desire.

Your alignment is everything.

It’s not enough to wish for things and make lists, you have to actually become what you want. It’s not about craving a change or wanting all these things you don’t have. It is about aligning with your true self and attracting the life you desire by being right now, already, before it is manifested.

How do you manifest the life you want?

Be the Life You Want

Now you are asking, ok well but how do I make a beautiful house by the ocean? How do I line up with a million dollars when I have debt?

So let’s explore what it really means.

We live in a vibrational universe, where like attracts like. The Law of Attraction states that whatever frequency of vibration you give off, you get it reflected back to you by the Universe.

Manifest Your Best Life NOW

You can practice with this law and attract small things into your life very easily, but you cannot use it to create your best life, the life of your highest calling without aligning with true spirit, or the your soul

This means you have to get really raw and authentic with who you are, why you want things, and understand exactly how to operate from the essence of who you are.

In our example above about the beautiful house by the ocean, you have to think about why you really want that house. Yes, you want to live in a wonderful place, but what is behind that desire? Anything for freedom? Desire to live a calm life?

Those things are available for you to incorporate now. If you want freedom, be free, act free. Do things that align you with that sense of freedom.

If you want a nice place where you can entertain your friends, create that where you live now. If you’ve dreamed of a tranquil garden to grow your produce in, create that now. Even if it is a tiny container of herbs on your balcony.

The point is to get out of the habit of longing for the unattainable and start living an aligned life, now. When you do this, you align with your desires through your emotional vibration.

Get into Your Soul Flow

The secret to manifesting your best life is to understand who you really are. When you approach your life from the true place of your inner spirit, your soul, or higher consciousness you understand that you have the power to create whatever you desire.
Knowing your true essence and becoming authentic puts you in the flow of life and connects you to all that you desire.

I learned this myself through writing. When I was starting out on my spiritual journey and writing my books, I was still very much caught up in the desires of my ego, wanting some kind of recognition, fame, and admiration or public approval. Most of what I used to write, I used to do it for this validation from others. My desire for abundance was deeply intertwined with this. There’s nothing wrong with wanting recognition for what you do, but it can’t be the only reason you do something.

When I realized that I needed to enjoy my work simply for the pleasure it brought me in the moment, everything changed. I began to look forward to my writing process and was much more likely to be absorbed in the creative flow, simply by forgetting the outcome and enjoying the present moment of it.

You can apply this to anything you like. When you connect with this sense of yourself it is much easier to see how things can flow to you effortlessly.