Did you catch the fact that 2019 and 2020 are being described as the years of awakening? Many spiritual gurus and astrologers are discussing the upcoming upcoming changes and ascension energies on their blogs and in their forecasts.
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Square Pluto XEMF In the Birth Chart. How Did You Lose Your Power? And How To Recover It?
I know that sometimes this kind of information can be confusing or overwhelming, so I’ll be putting together summaries of important cosmic transits and alignments going forward. Simple and easy to digest information is so important for everyone to get clarification on what to expect during this time and how it will affect us all on a global and individual level.
The year 2020 will bring with it some of the most important cosmic energy we have seen in a very long time. This cosmic energy is potentially life-changing and offers an important opportunity for humanity to rise to higher levels of consciousness. What does it mean? That the vibration of our planet Earth will be transforming and increasing, and this, in turn, has an effect on our spiritual growth as a collective and as individuals. It’s a really wonderful time to be alive.
The alignment of Pluto and Saturn has a lot to do with what is unfolding. The two planets will be together in Capricorn and that sets the tone for the year 2020. This cycle of conjunction of Pluto and Saturn is something that happens every 28 -32 years and means global changes and changes and a huge awakening for humanity.
The last time these two planets aligned in Capricorn specifically was hundreds of years ago! So we who are alive today have not experienced that energy before. Pluto and Saturn will align on January 12, 2020, and this alignment will have an effect on the whole year.
Many are referring to this conjunction in Capricorn as a symbol of the end of a long cycle in the world that was all about power, control, domination and competition and as a marker of a new era with -much more positive energies of connection, compassion. , and collaboration. That’s why we can see some really huge global changes in terms of law, banking, government, and business.
Saturn is all about law and order and taking responsibility for our own lives, while Pluto is about transformation, authenticity and awakening.
On the soul, an individual level means a time of deep reflection within and a rebirth to truly live in alignment with what served us. It is time to close the old patterns on a personal level and as a collective species. This year is about clearing stuck energy, releasing old patterns and really emerging for a new way of living. A new paradigm that comes with the beginning of the age of Aquarius in 2020.
2019 is in many ways a year of preparation for these huge shifts that are coming our way. Much of the astrology that is happening this year is a push for us to release, surrender and dig deep within ourselves. We have seen and will continue to experience powerful full moons, eclipses, and retrogrades and powerful planetary alignments.
In numerology, 2019 is 3 years which means it is a perfect year for self-expression, a chance to be authentic, creative and let our individual lights shine. All this will help us reach higher vibrations.
We are all truly embodiments of love and when we work hard to move towards alignment with our dreams and connect with our authentic essence, we can express ourselves without fear. This is the most powerful way to change our own lives and indeed change the world.