The number energy for June is a nine energy and the nine is all about ending, completion and letting go. This is particularly auspicious knowing that next month, July is eclipse season that brings new beginnings, so whatever you are letting go of this month is perfectly timed to create something new.
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This scares you? It is 100% normal to feel anxious about the idea of ending and loss but don’t give in to that fear because letting go this month is really about clearing space for what is wanted. You need to let go of everything that is holding you back from entering your true purpose and happiness.
What needs to end?
Only you can really know what that thing is that you need to release. It’s likely to be some kind of emotional habit or pattern of thought or behavior that you’ve really stuck with over time, a state of being that no longer serves your highest purpose. In fact, it detracts from it, it wastes your time and prevents you from entering your brighter future. You have been repeating it for whatever reason but if you choose to let it go now in June, you will see a brand new beginning emerging as a result as soon as July.
June is here to help you.
Think of June as a magical tool coming to your aid to help you release that ‘thing’. June is preparing you on all different levels for the big changes that will happen in July. If you surrender and go through these changes with an attitude of acceptance, you will find that life will be a smoother ride.
Magic numbers
In Numerology, Three, Six and Nine are part of an emotional triad and all are present this month. We are in three years (2019 2+0+1+9 = 12 then 1 + 2 = 3) June is the sixth month and together they add up to nine as the universal month.
The three years are all about renewal and self-expression. It is about the bridle of your own light, the rays around your world and walk in the true calling of your souls.
So release and liberation has to do with emotional habits that keep you anchored to your past and in a perpetual cycle of anxiety and worry. It’s about letting go of an old version of yourself, an outdated character that relies on negativity and pessimism. You may feel the urge to make some radical changes, do it consciously and with love for the process.
Look at your Options.
This will look very different for everyone. It can be a reshaping of your attitude towards work, relationships, friendships or your lifestyle. You will intuitively know which area of your life needs positive change, just identify where you have choices to make. You can choose to continue with the old way of doing things or you can find new ways of being and doing that speak to the person you really are and want to be.
June is also Gemini season, which emphasizes communication, socializing and new activities. Gemini is also about making choices that elevate you to your higher self. Later in June, there is a full moon in Sagittarius which has a wonderful optimistic energy that will help you move towards a bright future. All the astrological and numerological aspects of June come together perfectly to help you on this journey of discovery and self-realization.
To summarize:
June is about liberation and release to make room for the new.
You can help this manifest in your own life by being clear about what you want to release and how you want to start doing things differently.
Ask yourself who do you want to become?
Get really honest about where you are right now with that.
Take stock of your life and identify where changes can be made and old behaviors can be worked on for release.
Start seeing yourself as already being that new version of yourself.
Use visualization and meditation to strengthen this vision.
Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same. Remember that when you are frustrated and use it as inspiration to get back to what you want.
Numerology for June 2019
2019 is three years (2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 12 and then 1 + 2 = 3)
June is the sixth month. Add three and six and you get nine.
The numerology energy for June is NINE
NINE is about finishing, edges and letting go and making space
For what you want to manifest.
June is calling you to release an old pattern in favor of a more beneficial one
Letting go of the past, of habits, thoughts and behaviors that belong to an old version of you
June calls you to start doing things differently. Commit yourself.
DISA energy is here to help you manifest
The THREE Energies of the year are here to help you express yourself
Together these energies are a wonderful tool for your personal birth
June wants you to enter your bright future
Do so with dedication, because as soon as July you can reap the rewards.