I would like you to imagine a garden.
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Square Pluto XEMF In the Birth Chart. How Did You Lose Your Power? And How To Recover It?
In this garden, the soil is always rich with nutrients and what you plant, will grow. There is rain and sun so you don’t have to worry about anything.
You can plant anything. There are no restrictions.
You can plant roses or you can plant poison ivy. You can plant tomatoes or you can plant nightshade, a deadly poison. What you put into it, as a seed, will eventually grow into something much bigger.
This garden is your mind and the seeds you can plant are your thoughts.
Your mind is a fertile place where the thoughts you plant, grow and make up for what your life is.
Or as the old passage from the Bible says, from the book of proverbs, chapter 23, verse 7:
“As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he,”.
Your thoughts, your convictions, reflect the surrounding reality.
Your life, good or bad, is nothing more than a reflection of the thoughts you have planted in your mind and fed. These thoughts became behaviors. Behaviors became results.
You are where you are right now because deep down, this is where you wanted to be, no matter how sad or unfair that may sound.
This principle is one of the oldest spiritual laws in existence. It is also one of the most well-known. You may know it under a different term. This is “you become what you think about”. And you can find this in all the religions of the world.
Some variation of this exists in Hinduism, Christianity and basically every other major religion. It is found in all belief systems, such as that used by the Chinese. It is as universal a law as gravity. Long before books existed, wise people understood that our thoughts reflect our reality.
It works on two levels.
First, your beliefs are connected to the universe on a quantum level. We manifest what we truly believe.
Let me make this clear though.
You don’t manifest what you think you believe. You manifest what is in your heart. If you believe that you deserve happiness and pain, then no matter what you say, you will get it.
Many people believe they have positive thoughts when their inner voice is always negative and destructive.
That voice will always prevail. Perhaps this is why the LoA fails for so many people – they are trying to grow trees of prosperity and success while planting the seeds of doubt and pain and suffering.
It doesn’t work that way.
Get what’s in your heart. The universe will manifest it. But what is in your heart is the truth and we may not always know this truth.
Life does not give you what you thought.
Life gives you what you ask for.
And while many people intend for wealth and happiness and health, their thoughts are of poverty and sadness and despair. Since this is what they are planting, this is what the universe is manifesting.
Second, your thoughts lead to beliefs.
Your beliefs lead to actions.
Your actions lead to results.
Your results lead to your destiny.
The thoughts you plant in your mind will determine how you act, on a level so subtle that you may not even perceive it. Who you are, is the consequence of the thoughts you have adopted.
It is difficult to realize this.
It is on the same level as breathing.
You only realize your breath if you pay attention. You will only notice your behavior and where it comes from if you analyze it. But everything you are comes from the thoughts you once planted in your mind and then let them become a part of you.
So when you plant positive thoughts, you get positive results.
When you plant love and happiness, your behavior will reflect love and create happiness for yourself and others.
When you plant thoughts of prosperity and wealth, your behavior will create wealth and prosperity in the world.
Think of it like the captain of an airplane. An airplane is huge, carrying hundreds of passengers and weighing tens of tons. However, you will find only one or two pilots in the cockpit, controlling this huge machine.
So is your life.
Even though your behavior is infinitely complex, there are only a few thoughts that control it all and if you replace those thoughts, everything changes for you too.
The thoughts you plant in it will manifest both in reality and in the creation of reality itself and shape your behavior to create the results you want.
Both are important.
This world is a 50 – 50 place.
The universe may manifest the opportunities you need at this moment but you must act to take advantage. If luck knocks at your door, you still have to open the door.
It’s like in this old joke.
A fisherman is caught in a storm. His boat is sinking. Desperate, he prays to God.
“God, please save me, I will be fine, I repent, just save me”
A few minutes later, a boat appears.
“Brother, do you need some help?”, asks the good Samaritan.
“No, no, God will save me”, answers the fisherman.
Perplexed, the savior leaves.
Ten minutes later, the same things happen. Another boat appears. They offer to help him. The fisherman refuses to say that God will help him.
Eventually, the boat sinks, he dies and goes to heaven. There, face to face with God, he asks…
“God, why did you let me die? I prayed to you and promised that I will repent for my sins”.
God looks at him and says “what are you talking about? I sent you two boats”.
This is a joke, but that’s how life works too.
We manifest opportunities but you have to take advantage of these opportunities. If you are a real estate agent and want to close a great deal, your thoughts will manifest this opportunity. The universe will align the people, places and circumstances to make this happen.
But these people, places and circumstances will not come to you in your living room. You still have to act and do something.
Or maybe you want to find the love of your life.
Thoughts of love and appreciation will show your ideal partner but your partner will not knock on the door and ask you on a date.
The universe is like a tree that offers you the fruit you need, in infinite abundance, but you still have to pick that fruit from the tree.
And it all starts with your thoughts, with your beliefs.
Make a commitment now to fill your mind with positive thoughts. Make a commitment to think only thoughts of love and joy and wealth.
At first, it will be difficult.
If you are used to only planting poison in your mind, it will take a while until you get it all out. But once you do, you’ll notice something incredible is happening. You’ll see how you’ll fare in the right circumstances. You find yourself in the right places, at the right time, to get what you want.
How can I help you do this?
Manifestation Magic contains hidden NLP commands that act as seeds to plant in your subconscious mind.
NLP is a powerful technology built around the best schools of psychotherapy and hypnosis. It allows you to “program” your subconscious mind – planting the seed in the fertile ground of your mind and heart.
This means that you can listen to these tracks before going to sleep and change what you think, without making an effort.
Manifestation Magic always contains the best of brainwave entrainment, which trains the brain to operate at a higher frequency and I build it around the Solfeggio scales, tones that heal you and help you manifest miracles in your life.