Cracking the Code: Discover the Top Secret to Lifelong Abundance

If I told you that something as simple as relaxation could help bring more financial abundance into your life, would you be curious enough to try it?

It may sound too good to be true, but the truth is that our emotional state plays a significant role in our financial well-being.

Being constantly stressed and anxious about our finances becomes our default mode, which can hinder us from attracting more abundance into our lives.

By embracing relaxation, we can shift our energy towards a more positive state and become more receptive to the benefits of financial abundance.

So, next time you’re feeling overwhelmed by your money worries, take a deep breath, relax, and allow abundance to flow towards you.


Because the more that you relax and surrender your current stresses about money, the more your energy field opens, expanding naturally and effortlessly. 

You match the frequency of prosperity by surrendering your concerns and relaxing.


Because the vibrational energy of the state of relaxation is very high.

That positive, high frequency shifts you into a state of receiving

When you relax you allow the negative energy of fear, stress, and anxiety to dissolve which allows you to vibrate with the energy of receiving from the Universe. 

The Universe can then answer your request for financial prosperity and abundance. 

In other words, you are entering the state of allowing. 

You are opening the door 🚪 and no longer standing in your own way. 

The energy of worrying and analyzing acts repel abundance.

Those stresses, concerns, and negative thoughts literally block your path to receiving manifestations.

Vibrationally speaking, those desires of yours cannot reach you, due to seemingly physical obstacles that they cannot get around. 

You can imagine it as energy. See those desires of yours trying to reach you, but meeting instead those blocks of stress-energy.

They simply cannot get into your energy field. 

Relaxation really is the key, and the good news is it’s easy to relax and it feels good! 

I know some people find it hard to let go, relaxation is perhaps no longer something that comes naturally.

The truth is, however, that relaxation is, in fact, your natural state, therefore it is something you can tap into if you know how to. 

There is a part of you that is always relaxed – your true infinite self.

That part of you knows your connection to the Universe and that you are always supported. 

How often do you relax, truly, deeply relax? Is it something you can decide to prioritize this month instead of thinking you have no time? 

When you open yourself up to the frequency of relaxation, you relax more often, it comes more naturally to you and then you ultimately shift your energy to receive more abundance from the Universe.

Make the decision to relax more this month, beginning today. 

Here are some tools and techniques to help you get into that state of calm and relaxation about your current money situation in order to attract the abundance you desire. 

Conscious Breathing 💆🏼‍♀️

Breathing deeply is a conscious way to bring peace to your physical, mental, and emotional being.

The very act of taking deep breaths brings you further into your body, anchoring you in your physical human form but also connecting you spiritually to your inner self. 

Breath is life, it truly is your spirit moving through you. When you connect to that spirit you connect to the source. 

Source, or the Universe is loving, abundant, and endless.

When you tap into that state where the source is you will find peace within yourself.

Any time when you are feeling stressed out about money, take 3 deep, loving breaths instead.

As you inhale, breathe in the peace of the present money. And as you exhale, let go of all your anxieties and stresses. 

Notice how this breathing brings peace to your entire system. 

Allow it to filter through your body and soul. Breathe in and out until you have exhaled away all your current negative thoughts. Then allow that calm, peaceful breath to envelop and center you. 

Remember who you truly are and allow your frequency to rise as your energy field opens and lets in all the abundance waiting there for you. 

Feel and Experience Gratitude 😌

Gratitude for what is currently already yours is a wonderful way to open your energy field and calm your fears.

Whenever you feel nervous, fearful, or worried about money, instead consider what you are grateful for today.

That simple act of thinking about what is already abundant in your life automatically shifts your energy toward positivity. 

The Law of Attraction works by attracting more and more like thoughts, so when you get off on a roll of positive thinking you can’t help but magnetize more and more positive thoughts.

Making long lists of things you are grateful for is a fun, simple, and extremely effective way to feel better instantly. 

Money is simply energy, as is everything else in this Universe.

Your thoughts of gratitude really do have an effect on the energy of money in your bank account. 

Gratitude makes you feel as complete as you are right now in the present moment.

When you are happy now, you don’t care about anything else in the unknown future!

That feeling of knowing that you are already complete puts an end to that need for more. 

That energy of yearning, searching, and not having creates huge stress and negative energy which blocks all the abundance that wants to flow towards you!  

Experiencing deep gratitude means that all is just as it should be now and the need for more money is not the most important thing in your life. You free yourself from the need for money and in that liberation, you end up attracting more of it. 

Every time you desire more, remember to be grateful for what you have.

You’ll soon see how effortless financial prosperity can be. 

Visualization 👀

Using daily visualization tools to create a mental movie of what you wish to receive is an effective and fun way to create abundance. We know that our brains are incredible organs that do not distinguish between fact and fiction, what is imagined and what is reality. Use this to your advantage by imagining in highly creative ways how you wish your life really looked. 

When you connect to a strong emotion within your visualization, it becomes extra effective. Strong feelings fuel the energy of your subconscious, meaning that you are much more likely to manifest those dreams. 

Take a moment right now to think about what it would be like to have what you desire. See yourself with a balance in your bank account that is what you truly would love to receive.

 Envision yourself doing everyday tasks such as opening your bank account online and seeing the large amount on the screen. 

Imagine paying for things with ease and joy.

Imagine being able to buy other people gifts you truly know they would love and appreciate and not being concerned with the cost. 

Imagine all the things that you would do with your money that would make your life and the lives of others more joyful. 

The more pleasure you take in these visualizations, the easier it is to manifest their outcome in reality.

The true secret to abundance really is a state of relaxed, calm happiness. 

True abundance is not about getting something you don’t yet have, it’s about feeling abundant and therefore tuning into the frequency of what abundance really is. 

So relax, go with the flow, chill out, and have fun imagining all the things that are on the frequency of abundance. 

Do whatever you can every day to relax and enjoy your life and surrender the struggle and strain.

Life is to be lived with love and happiness, it’s all there for the receiving!