Abundant Secrets of Scorpio Season: Your Wellness and Wealth Handbook  

Experience the Scorpio Season (October 23rd – November 22nd) to the fullest.

Are you ready to harness the intense and passionate energy of this season?

Discover how to navigate this powerful time and make the most of the second-to-last month of 2023.

No matter what challenges you face in the outside world, having your physical, emotional, and mental health in order makes everything easier to handle.

Scorpio is all about transformation, self-reflection, regeneration, and rebirth.

Even if you’re not a Scorpio, you can tap into this energy and bring sensuality, warmth, and confidence to your body, mind, and soul.

As we transition from Libra Season’s balance and harmony, get ready for a period of introspection, change, and transformation.

Scorpio calls you to dig deep and make lasting changes.

Discover how to align with Scorpio energies and tap into their power for your personal growth.

Get Connected to Your Body 

Scorpio is about sensuality and sexuality, so now is an ideal time to boost your confidence and get moving! 

You can try intense activities such as spin, boxing, or interval training to get your heart pumping!

Scorpio rules the bladder, genitals, hormones, and reproductive system, so focus on these yoga poses to increase circulation and flexibility in the pelvic area. 

Try the following yoga poses: 

  • Bridge Pose
  • Cobra
  • Legs Up the Wall
  • Knees-to-Chest Pose

Release the negative 

This is the time to let go of any self-sabotaging tendencies you may have. 

Stop listening to your inner critic and let that negativity go. 

Instead, tap into your inner strength to create a new positive version of yourself. 

Consider what you Really Desire

Scorpio energy urges us to question what and whom we want to align ourselves with vibrationally. 

Question your usual habits and try to find a new perspective that inspires you. 

Finish Projects 

Now is the perfect time to see through any projects or goals to the end.

Scorpio brings power, strength, and motivation to finish. 

Crystals for Scorpio Season

The power and intensity of Scorpio is ideally matched with crystals such as

 Rainbow Moonstone, Ruby, Black Tourmaline, Obsidian, and Carnelian. 

Aromatherapy Essential Oils 

Use stimulating and sensual mood boosters such as Ylang Ylang, Rose, Bergamot, Neroli, Jasmine, and Patchouli. 

Whatever you do this Scorpio Season, be conscious that you have the power to transform your life at any moment, and now, more than ever you are being supported on that journey.