Best Manifesting Tool for the New Moon in Leo: A High Vibration Vision Board

The Leo New Moon coming up on August 4th will begin a brand new lunar cycle. 

New cycles always give us the opportunity to plant new seeds of intention,

welcome fresh energy into our lives, and check-in with the specific themes of the zodiac sign the moon falls in. 

Leo is all about courage, heart, self-expression, creativity, being bold, playful, and confident.

It is a positive, happy fire sign that rules love, and laughter and carefree joy. 

After a couple of fairly intense moons lately,

this softer, happier New Moon will bring a dynamic, lighthearted and creative energy to all our lives. 

ALSO, guess what?

It is PERFECT for manifesting. 

Are you ready to harness this powerful manifesting energy for yourself? 

Type Leo!

To claim this energy now. 

The energy with this New Moon in Leo is so potent and bursting with creativity,

it’s the ideal time to make significant changes in your life that will benefit you way beyond this Moon cycle. 

Make the most out of this cosmic environment with bold plans and specific goals for the future. 

One of the best manifesting tools for this specific New Moon is a Vision Board. 

Leo is all about creativity and happiness. 

It’s about getting deep into what makes you light up and harnessing that energy with your creativity. 

A vision board acts as a visual representation of all the things you desire.

As you surround yourself and focus your mind on images that represent the life you want to experience,

more of those experiences will be magnetized to you. 

Remember, Energy goes where attention flows. 

Let’s briefly recap the Law of Attraction: 

The Law of Attraction is a universal, all-powerful law that exists everywhere.

It essentially means that “like attracts like” or in other words,

that which you give your attention to vibrationally will be drawn back to you. 

You can identify your vibration by checking in with your emotions.

If you are feeling excited, happy and loving,

you can be sure that you are offering a high flying, positive vibration. 

As the Law of Attraction is always working,

it not only attracts the positive but also the negative, and everything in between. 

The problem is that many of us find it challenging to shift vibration on specific topics that mean a lot to them,

things like love, money, family and career goals. 

When we offer mixed signals to the Universe, we continually receive mixed results. 

The Universe can provide you with all that you dream of BUT you have to be offering the signal for it. 

How does a Vision Board help? 

During visualization, our brains cannot distinguish between that which is real and that which is imagined.

This has been proven time and time again in scientific studies. 

As far as your brain is concerned, whatever you imagine to be happening is actually happening. 

So when you focus your attention on creating a beautiful vision board

that uplifts your frequency and energy vibration with images of a life you desire,

you help to enhance your focus purely on that which you want,

and block out the things that stand in your way. 

An easy-process to create your vision board: 

Step one: Clarify and Connect to your Vision 

Get clear on what desires really are authentic to you. 

You can mediate, daydream, journal, or look at images on pinterest.

Simply allow your mind to find what resonates for you. 

Don’t get caught up thinking you are supposed to want certain things,

just focus on what is real and true for you. 

The act of creating helps you to zoom in on those things that truly are meaningful to you. 

N.B Harness the power of the present by adding wonderful things that you already have

and are grateful for now to your vision board. 

When you also include things you have already manifested,

it will strengthen your belief that you can manifest those other things that you don’t yet have. 

Step Two: Create the Board and Visualize 

You can go about this in different ways.

There’s the old fashioned way of cutting out images from magazines,

or printing out images and quotes, photographs,

or any other material thing that sparks your desires.

You can then stick these down on a big piece of card or paper. 

If you’re more of a digital, modern visualizer,

you can do this online using pinterest or canva or whatever works for you. 

Visualizing with your vision board just means looking at it occasionally during the day

to remind you of what lights you up and makes you feel excited about your goals. 

Our brains can do incredible things.

Visualization can send signals to the rest of the body that certain things are happening

even if they only exist in your imagination for now. 

When you regularly visualize yourself in your dream life, you are preparing yourself for that reality.

Final Step: Surrender 

Just lt go and trust that the Universe will provide what you desire through unexpected avenues.

Let go of how you think things are supposed to happen, and just focus on trusting that they will. 

Give thanks and feel the gratitude in your energy as your vibration soars

and you feel happy, positive, and filled with inspiration.