Conquer Fear with the Magic of Gratitude

As we approach the end of the year, let’s take a moment to reflect on the experiences and blessings in our lives.

2022 has been a challenging year for many, filled with fear and uncertainty.

But instead of succumbing to fear, let’s choose gratitude as our guiding emotion.

Fear can be damaging to our health, both physically and emotionally.

It’s time to break free from the constant presence of low-level fear that holds us back. 

Society and the media may teach us to fear universal things like illness, aging, and failure, but we have the power to choose a different path.

Living in fear lowers our vibrations and weakens our immune systems.

When we are constantly fearful, we become more susceptible to illness.

But when we embrace gratitude, our vibration rises and our health improves.

It’s time to shift our focus from fear to gratitude. Let’s make it our new normal to appreciate the blessings in our lives and have faith in the future.

Say goodbye to fear and welcome the transformative power of gratitude.

Your health and happiness depend on it.

Here is how Fear damages your health: 

  • Stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline are released that slow and/ or shut down some bodily functions including your gut (which is essential for good immunity). 
  • Stress hormones can create an overactive mind causing your brain to stop thinking rationally. 
  • Heart rate and blood pressure increase. 
  • Chronic health problems can emerge such as ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), fatigue, depression, accelerated aging, and fertility issues. 
  • Fear can interrupt processes that allow you to regulate emotions in a healthy way. 
  • In terms of the Law of Attraction, fear just attracts more fear. If you are constantly vibrating at a low frequency of fear, you can only attract more of the same. You need to raise your vibration and move away from fear to have a healthy, happy life. 

In short, there is a time for an appropriate fear response of course, if you are threatened or endangered, it is normal to feel afraid!

But it is not healthy to live in constant, low-grade fear.

It literally makes no sense to live in fear. Life is by its very nature unpredictable.

None of us can be certain of the future, but to live in fear of that every single day is simply damaging and dysfunctional. 

So how can you swap fear for more positive emotions? 

Gratitude and appreciation are positive, heart-centered feelings that can increase happiness, energy, and enthusiasm for life.

Researchers have shown that counting your blessings and practicing appreciation makes you healthier. 

I know you can’t just stop feeling that familiar fear overnight, so here are my suggestions for some everyday steps you can take to raise your vibration with gratitude and eliminate that low-grade fear from your life. 

  1. Look at your fear directly: I mean notice it, do not hide from it. Scan your body in your mind and find the physical place where it resides. Be gentle and kind with yourself as you do this. Send love and healing to that place where fear resides.
  1. Breathe your way through it: Practice taking some long, deep breaths when you feel fear arising. Breathe in through your nose and hold the breath, before exhaling through your nose. This will calm your nervous system. 
  1. Make a list of your blessings: Count everything you like here, from your friends and family to the roof over your head. It can be as big as having electricity and clean water, or as small as the guy who lets you cut in traffic with a friendly wave. The more you do these lists, the easier they become. You can let them grow organically as your appreciation and vibration raises. 
  1. Cultivate self-worth: A lot of fear has its roots in a lack of self-worth or self-love. Confidence and appreciation come from self-worth. When you believe in yourself and your ability to be happy, you are able to remain positive far easier.

    Work on your self-worth with meditation, vision boards, lists of your positive aspects, and by figuring out what makes you feel good each day and doing those things. Believe in your innate ability to achieve your dreams. 

  1. Surrender to the Universe: This could mean surrendering to the bigger picture by focusing on the world at large outside of your own anxieties or literally giving up your fears to the divine source of the Universe.
    When things feel overwhelming, it helps me to imagine how large the world is, even to picture our solar system and galaxy in space. I then like to release my worries and fears by surrendering them to the divine. 

What you will find is that appreciation, gratitude, thankfulness, and counting your blessings all lead to happiness and joy.

Whether you can turn it around and reduce your fear in an hour, a day, a week, a month, or a year you can turn it around with gratitude, I promise you. 

Regular gratitude is something that only gets bigger, stronger, and multiplies just like love. It’s catching, in a good way. 

Thanks for reading. 🙂