December Cold Moon Intentions: What Energy do you Want to Embody in 2025?

If you could name the kind of energy you want to embody in 2025, what would it be? 

Would it be dynamic and confident, bold and daring, or soft and loving?  

This Full Moon on December 15th gives you the opportunity to consider what it would be for you.

(If you already have an idea, reply to me, let me know!)

Additionally, If you’re in the mood to release things that you just do not want to carry with you into 2025,

this is the Full Moon for you! 

It’s also the last Full Moon of 2024, which makes it an extra special moon to see out the year. 

It’s traditional name, The Cold Moon, originates in Native American culture,

and marks the beginning of the longest nights of the year and the cold, serene stillness of winter.

This moon falls in Gemini, the sign of the twins.

The story goes that one twin was mortal and the other immortal.

Together they created the balance of what being humans means – to have both a soul and a body.

This moon is a reminder to bring into balance all aspects of ourselves,

the spiritual and the physical, in order to honor what makes us human. 

This Full Moon in Gemini serves as a powerful point of endings and completion,

and is also a chance to clear the slate and begin again, ready for the new cycle ahead. 

Have you ever thought about making intentions just based in what you want to FEEL? 

So rather than making specific goal-oriented intentions (save that for the New Year),

this Full Moon can help you to focus on how you want to feel next year. 

Here are four ways to take advantage of this Cold Moon energy

and align yourself with its power so that you can feel into what kind of energy you want to embody in 2025.  

1. Look Back on your Year

This Cold Moon is a potent time to reflect over the year,

celebrate how far you have come and acknowledge your achievements.

Think about what you have learned, and find peace with whatever did not come to fruition yet,

releasing your regrets and instead focusing on what was achieved

2. Recharge your Energy

This season is all about embracing the stillness that winter brings.

Create time in your day to be quiet and still, sitting in silence, meditating or journaling.

Just allow yourself to come to an intentional place of peace,

and see what insights may come to you.

3. Release and Cleanse

Use the potent energy of this moon to let go of your old habits, worrisome thoughts, lingering doubts,

relationships that no longer bring you joy, whatever you have in your life

that you just know instinctively needs to go.

Remember, you cannot create the space for new things if you are clinging to the old and outdated. 

4. Set Soft Intentions Focusing on Energy

We are not quite at the New Year with it’s bold, clear intention setting for 2025.

This Cold Moon allows you to focus more gently on reflective, intuitive intentions.

Focus more on how you want to feel, what kind of energy you wish to embody

and think about what 2025 might be like for you in terms of energy, rather than specific goals. 

Try this exercise: 

Get a pen and paper, and light a candle if you have one (just to create a peaceful,

sacred space around you). 

Take some deep inhalations and exhalations,

and let yourself come to a place of deep stillness and contemplation. 

Close your eyes and relax your mind. 

When you feel like you are in a calm, quiet mental space,

allow your mind to bring up a feeling or a visualization of the year to come.

Without overthinking it, what comes up for you?

Are there any words or feelings that come to mind?

Do you see yourself in a certain place with specific people? 

Try to just absorb the general tone of what you intuit. 

When you think you have an idea,

open your eyes and write down any words that come to mind.

Maybe it’s about family, love, and relationships.

Or maybe travel, adventure and motivation come to mind. 

This is the kind of energy you want to embody in 2025.

 Reflect on this for the next few days until the end of the year,

amend it if necessary as time goes by. 

You can use this as an overall energetic feeling

to encompass the more specific intentions you will make in the New Year.