Harvesting Positivity: 4 Thanksgiving Rituals for Life’s Bounty

Thanksgiving Day is just around the corner, bringing with it a feeling of warmth and gratitude that is hard to beat.

Despite the challenges that this year has brought, I believe that there’s still so much to celebrate and be thankful for.

In fact, this year might be even more meaningful than ever before, as we realize what truly matters in life.

That’s why I’ve put together a list of some simple and meaningful rituals that you can do to make your Thanksgiving Day even more special.

So why not give them a try and see how much they can enhance your Thanksgiving experience?

Get On A Cleansing Manifestation Ritual

Let’s face it—despite the festive atmosphere Thanksgiving Day brings, it can also be a stressful time; families meeting up may cause turmoil for the ones that have unresolved issues in the past, while the holidays can make some people even more sentimental and lonely. 

Now this ritual is ideal especially if you’re starting a new chapter in your life.

But you can also use it should you feel stressed out. 

It’s a simple exercise that will help raise your vibration.

Take deep breaths and focus on your breath for at least three to five minutes. 

Next, visualize yourself standing underneath a beautiful, silver waterfall. 

Feel it wash away everything that’s negative in your life. 

You’ll find it easier to do this in the shower, especially if you’re having a difficult time meditating and visualizing.

The rush of water from the shower can help you better tune in to that image. 

Create A Thanksgiving Day Playlist

Okay, it doesn’t have to be all songs that give thanks, but it can also be a mix of tracks you feel happy in when you listen to.

Create a 10 to 15-minute playlist that you can use as a wonderful resource whenever you need to connect with the emotions of the holidays—especially if you are feeling down. 

Create tracks that make you feel good and take you to your happy place.

So, when the day comes and you’re feeling a little blue, you can just hit play and you get transported to your happy place. 

Ah, the power of sound. 

Celebrate Your Most Recent Victories

What were your most recent victories? It doesn’t have to be huge! It can be as simple as being able to workout at least twice a week the past few months, or perhaps, cutting on sugar a little.

This is the perfect time to celebrate them, and you can even share them on the Thanksgiving table when it’s time for the “what-are-you-thankful-for?” tradition. 

Celebrate your milestones. You can also use an affirmation to invite more positivity in your life. 

Create An Evidence Board

I have talked to you so many times about making a manifestation board, or a dream board that is so helpful with the manifestation process.

However, just in time for Thanksgiving, I want you to create an evidence board. 

What is an evidence board? It’ll be about displaying the reasons, things, signs, etc. that your dreams are manifesting in your life. 

You can put photos of yourself or objects that can serve as evidence that you’re on the right path, and everything you’re working hard to achieve is coming true. 

This board is highly empowering, especially on days the you experience doubt. On Thanksgiving day, assemble your board and put it up where you can see it easily at home. 

If you don’t want to make a board, you can create an evidence journal instead. 

Have an awesome Thanksgiving, ya’ll! 

What particular ritual will work for you, and why? Share it with us in the comment section below!