Have you ever been asked about your zodiac sign, confidently replied, and then suddenly got thrown off when someone asked about your Moon Sign?
Don’t worry, you’re not alone.
Our horoscopes may seem like just an astrological sign for small talk, but there’s actually so much more to it.
Your Sun sign may give clues about your personality, but have you ever wondered why sometimes you act a certain way that seems uncharacteristic of your zodiac sign?
That’s where your Moon sign comes in.
It represents the hidden parts of yourself that you keep to yourself, like secrets locked away.
So the next time someone asks about your Moon sign, don’t be left in the dark.
Take a journey into the world of astrology and uncover your true self.
What is Your Moon Sign?
At the moment of your birth, where the moon was is the basis of your moon sign.
It is your identity.
It’s the part of you that might stay hidden from others and it makes up a big part of how emotional or not we are as people!
It is often described as your inner child –
that part of you that make up your character.
Similar to the moon that reflects light and changes with the seasons, so too does yours reveal what’s going on inside you –
are the feelings that churn up from deep within our core being: fear or hope for better days ahead?
Your moon sign truly makes up for what you are.
How to Calculate Your Moon Sign
Your precise birth time is required to calculate your moon sign, as is the case with other astrological computations.
You wouldn’t want to be placed in a different moon sign just because you’re unsure of your time of birth.
So, to be certain, it’s time to pull out your birth certificate and get the information you need.
And use an online calculator to figure out your moon sign.
What Does Your Moon Sign Mean?
Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius)
You live in the moment and enjoy every experience.
You can’t help but feel most at peace when you are expressing your confidence in your passions,
no matter how big or small it is!
Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius)
The way you feel about yourself and the world around is constantly evolving.
You are a person who bases decisions on what is best for you and others.
You react to changing experiences with discernment.
Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces)
You are the master of your own emotions.
You know how to react quickly and appropriately.
It’s important to balance your inner self-love while also being deeply involved in how you feel, because only by exploring all aspects do we find what truly makes us whole.
Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn)
You are a sensitive person, who takes your feelings and emotions seriously.
You feel most alive when feeling deeply affected by something or someone else’s words/actions;
however, self-love is important too!
What’s your moon sign? Does it resonate with who you are?