Scorpio New Moon Magic – Your Cosmic Invitation to Start over

The next New Moon falls in the sign of Scorpio

and it arrives on November 1st – also known as 111 – the first day of the eleventh month. 

Those two factors combined – the auspicious, high-vibrational angel number of 111

and the New Moon in Scorpio welcome us to the start of a new month and a new lunar cycle

with powerful energy that resonates with new beginnings and deep inner work. 

How do you like to celebrate the New Moon?

Do you always remember to set a new intention?

Reply to me, let’s start a conversation. 

New Moons are the perfect time to start something new and set intentions.

An introspective time to go within, reflect on our emotions and get in touch with our inner world. 

An Invitation for Calm Reflection 

The cosmic weather has been intense lately, with the past eclipses, and various challenging planetary alignments.

That makes this New Moon an especially important time to check-in and go within

because the energy going on in the outside world is quite chaotic at this time. 

It’s a great opportunity to practice focusing your attention towards the things that you can control,

rather than getting caught up in any confusing, stressful, or volatile energy in the world beyond. 

You can use this New Moon as reminder to trust in the divine unfolding path before you.

If you believe in angels and spirit guides, it’s a beautiful chance to let your faith be with them,

knowing that you are cared for and guided.

All you need to do is keep trusting that knowledge. 

Even if life is crazy for you right now, as I know it is for many.

Perhaps you’re juggling a mountain of tasks and projects, maybe change is brewing for you personally,

or perhaps you are facing family challenges…

whatever might be going on for you – the Scorpio New Moon brings the energy of trust, faith, and hope. 

Working with the Scorpio New Moon 

Like all New Moons, this one creates the energy for introspection and new beginnings.

I like to think of it as the phase in the month where I can identify what new projects

or life changes I want to focus on, and what I need to let go of and leave behind. 

In terms of rituals and intention-setting, Scorpio energy is intense and transformative.

It can deepen the focus on new beginnings and make sure that you are looking at all aspects of what they entail.

In other words, Scorpio energy makes sure you don’t skip over the hard bits! 

It urges you to confront what’s below the surface,

and pushes you to adopt healthier habits and new practices that serve you.  

Laser Focus your Intentions 

Use this New Moon as a reason to get so super clear on your intentions in the areas of your life that require emotional work.

Don’t just wish for what you want, really get to the core of it.

Make sure that your intentions resonate with you on an emotional level. 

Use these prompts to help you narrow down your intentions.

What emotions do you feel when you imagine your dreams coming true? 

Where in your life do you feel stuck?  

What do you want more of in your life? And what do you want less of?

Where have you been holding yourself back in life? 

If you could change one thing, what would it be and why? 

Don’t skip this step! 

It can be temping to rush ahead and write down what you want to manifest.

But it’s so important to check in with how you are really feeling and what emotions are coming up for you. 

Sit with yourself quietly and just allow yourself to observe where you are emotionally and spiritually.

This is the fastest way to understand what you really want to intend under this New Moon. 

Self awareness is key at all times but particularly with this Scorpio New Moon energy of probing

and seeking for deeper understanding of the self. 

The Takeaway 

Spending as much time as you need in reflection,

allowing yourself to reconnect with your inner world and align with your soul,

allows you to really get the most out of what this New Moon energy has to offer,

so make the most of it. 

Happy New Moon!