The Law of Polarity: Another Universal Law or Is This the Real Deal?

I am sure you have heard of the Law of Polarity.

The law of polarity says that everything has its opposite.

Everything in the Universe is two-sided. This also means that everything in our life is dual in nature.

Furthermore, two opposites will always exist on the same plane.

When there is sadness, there is joy…

When there is destruction, there is creation…

When there’s hate, there’s love…

When there is scarcity, there is abundance…

Are you following?

Now, you are probably wondering what the law of polarity has to do with your manifestation process.

It is simply telling you that there is always a positive for every negative thing in your life.

And I’m telling you, the road to manifestation is not a walk in the park.

Well, you just have a positive wish.

And in the law of polarity, it comes with a negative desire. So, what’s the problem?

It is important to know about the law of polarity because it is always in play, and in the law of attraction, what you focus on the most will show up in your reality.

Put these two laws together, and you get something like this:

Intention > focus > attract the ALL situation.

What does it mean?

You attract the opposite of what you like, too!

Now let’s talk about the Law of Reverse Polarity shall we? By using this law, you can manifest the life of your dreams!

Why and how? You see, in the Law of Polarity, a negative side always exists.

Two opposites fall into the same space. But this need not be the case.

So, what does this universal law have to do with your manifestation?

It means that for every negative thing in your life, there exists a positive side.

This is true because whatever you are trying to manifest, chances are you are also manifesting the opposite.

If you want to attract tons of money into your life and yet you have limiting beliefs holding you back, you are the one stopping your manifestation journey from happening.

What you can do is focus on eliminating any limiting beliefs you have.

I can’t do it / I’m not worthy / I don’t have the abilities / I don’t deserve a good life – they are what bind you to your current situation.

If you open yourself to the Universe and learn to surrender, you will know that manifesting is easy.

It just requires your pure intention, positive mindset, intense focus, and determination. Simply…


The Law of Reverse Polarity

This says that when the two things are matched, then nothing can go wrong.

If you let go of what’s been holding you back, you can finally live the life you deserve.

Reverse Polarity is a technique that can be used for individuals who have difficulty breaking out of the negative cycle.

Sometimes we all need something to pull us back from an abyss, something to help us break free, and that’s why reverse polarity should happen.

Use reverse polarity to guide you in making your manifestations a reality, and we’re happy to share a way to do just that.

Are you ready to try the Law of Reverse Polarity?