The Number One Mistake That Limits your Manifestations…

Are you someone who has been using manifesting techniques for a while? 

If so, you probably know that everything starts with a dream.

Allowing yourself to dream big and envision the life you desire is a key part of manifesting successfully. 

It’s also probably the easiest part of manifesting too, don’t you think?

Let me know if you’ve manifested anything really amazing lately, reply to me!

So here’s the thing.

There’s a big piece of the puzzle that most people get wrong, including myself.

For a long time I was frustrated, I just couldn’t figure out why I wasn’t doing it right. 

I had made vision boards, recited affirmations, performed rituals, the works.

Yet despite all my intentions, the biggest dream that I had just wasn’t appearing. 

It was only through some regular mediation, getting quiet and listening to my inner voice,

that I realized what I was doing wrong. 

I was trying to control the outcome. 

 Letting go of control really is the one key shift that moves things.

Believe me, it’s a total game changer. 

It’s all down to the energy you infuse your inventions with.

If you are sending out the kind of energy that says,

“I want this thing to happen BUT it has to happen in this specific way, at this special time,

and it has to be exactly how I want it to be”…


you’re not giving the Universe any space to bring you your desire how it naturally will occur, in divine timing. 

I know it’s confusing.

Lots of Law of Attraction and manifesting experts talk about getting specific as part of your intention setting. 

I agree with that to an extent.

It’s great to get specific about the details of the dream house you want to manifest,

or the soul mate you wish you would meet – as long as you use those details to make you feel positive

and excited about your desire. 

That’s when getting specific is really helpful!

But getting specific is not helpful when you are clinging to the absolute details

of HOW and WHEN something is suppose to arrive in your life. 

That’s why it’s so important to do the following: 

Leave Room for Infinite Possibilities 

Clinging tightly to a specific plan limits us to a narrow range of possibilities.

Instead, you must try to create the space for anything and everything

to appear in the most unplanned and unexpected ways. 

Remember that the Universe is abundant,

so many opportunities are waiting for you if you just allow for them to present themselves. 

When you leave room for possibility, you create the space for anything to happen.

It’s really the only way to receive your manifestations in the perfect timing and in the perfect way. 

Have you ever had that experience?

Let me know! 

Allow yourself to be Surprised 

You know life has a way of surprising us when you least expect it?

That’s down to releasing the HOW and WHEN of your desire manifesting. 

It’s all about trusting in the magic of the Universe

and allowing it to work miracles into our lives through that trust. 

When you embrace the unknown and are open to anything coming along,

unexpected twists and turns, out of the blue changes, etc

that’s when the Universe can really get to work to conspire in your favor

and bring you the most wonderful synchronicities and surprises.   

Surrender and Release 

The bottom line is you have to release the attachment to how you think your desires will manifest. 

I know it’s easier said than done.

We all have a secret feeling that something will work out the way we expect it.

You must trust that the Universe has a plan for you,

and it’s probably not going to align with your preconceived notions of what you imagined! 

It can be helpful to think that when you release expectations you actually get closer to your dreams! 

Once you start to implement trust and faith, you will start to see little miracles happening everywhere. 

Trust the process and trust the Universe and trust yourself!