The Power of Emotions for Manifestation

Did you know that your emotions play a significant role in manifesting what you want in life?

Infinite Mage Novel Chapter 67

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Infinite Mage Novel Chapter 67


Emotions are the power of the mind and influence our energy.

Manifestation is not about how you think, it is about how you feel. The more you experience the feeling of having the things you desire, the more they will come to you.

Every emotion is important in your journey of manifestation – the highs and the lows.

I’ve said this a million times, everything in life is a vibration and you attract things you resonate with. Your vibration is your emotions; it is these emotions that attract the experiences in your life.

Before we dive deeper into how to use your emotions in manifestation, you need to be aware of the three main vibrational states you can resonate in:

Unhappiness – the lowest state of vibration, in this state you feel depressed, sad, angry, defeated, helpless, etc. In this state, you tend to create negative and sad realities.
Monotony – the average level of vibration, you operate on autopilot. You do things in your life only because you want to and the world seems boring and dull to you. When you are at this frequency level, you tend to create the same old thing in your life. You do things that encourage more monotony in your life.
Happiness – the highest state of vibration, in this state you feel alive. You act on inspiration. When you are in this frequency, you attract the things you desire.

Keep in mind that anything in motion will continue to move. When you feel like you’ve been living a monotonous life, whose fault is it? Can you blame anyone?


It is because you allow it to happen. The first step to changing your life is to become aware of what needs to change.

Awareness can take time — in fact, there are people who are aware of things that need to change in their lives but don’t do anything about it.

That’s because the second step to changing your life for the better is to take action to make it happen. When you do nothing about it, your subconscious gets used to the consciousness being buried there. There is no more stimulation. The mind and body are used to knowing but do nothing about it because often, it is the fear of change.

Always remember, fear cannot create the reality you want. Instead, it will limit you in many ways that will push you deeper down the rabbit hole.

It’s time to get out of it and turn your emotions to use for manifestation.

How to Effectively Use Emotions for Manifestation

The Power of Emotions for Manifestation

One of the most effective ways to use emotions to manifest what you want in life is to know that you can use them. This will allow you to be more aware of negative thoughts and eliminate them from your life. Or, upon becoming aware of negative emotions, transform them into positive emotions.

Second, you must be fully aware of your feelings. Keep in mind that your thoughts and emotions are vital to creating your own reality and controlling your life.

Third, make a decision not to go with the flow. Take control of your life by having a firm grip on your emotions.

And the last, and most important step of all, is to take action. One day, replace your thoughts with positive ones. When you think, you feel it.

Focus on Positive Emotions

The Power of Emotions for Manifestation

Focus on the things that make you happy. Visualize how you would feel if your desire was here now, allow yourself to feel the joy, excitement, and happiness.

Be consistent with your positive emotions. When you have positive emotions, your vibrations will rise. And the higher vibrations you have, the higher the speed of the movement of manifestation. Keep in mind that things take longer to manifest in the physical realm when you are in a lower vibration.

Therefore, you must be consistent in nurturing positive emotions to let the energies move quickly.