The Simple Key to Manifestation 

I want to talk about the secret to Manifestation that nobody really talks about. 

Do you know what it is? 

It’s not about writing out a million affirmations. 

It’s not about meditating for 4 hours a day. 

It’s simply about harnessing the energetic frequency of joy and happiness. 

Immersing yourself emotionally, physically, and spiritually in the high frequency of your happiness and joy is the key to accelerating the manifestation of your goals. 

Some people may call this wishful thinking. Some people may call it naivety, or delusion. It’s always better to keep one foot in the cold, hard reality of life, right? That way you won’t get blindsided.

Well, sure you have to be aware of certain things that currently seem real in your life.

You cannot use wishful thinking to make an electric bill disappear when it’s already arrived.

BUT you must never discount the incredible POWER of JOY. 

If you have goals and intentions for yourself that you want to see become reality, get EXCITED about them as though they have already happened! 

That is the simple secret to manifesting. Remember that energy is everything. 

Let that sink in. Energy is EVERYTHING. 

So the way that you go about every single day of your life, the way you speak to people, the way you speak to yourself, the images you take in, the social media you scroll through, the conversations you have online or in real life – they are all part of forming your energetic vibrational signature that is responsible for attracting (or repelling) the things that you want. 

You need to master your energy and make sure that you spend way more time in the frequency of joy and happiness than anything else. 

Here’s how you can go about doing this with a simple visualization technique. 

Think about something that you really, really want to manifest.

Maybe it’s a new business. Maybe it’s an extra 20 thousand dollars a year, or a month (don’t hold back). 

Maybe you want to become pregnant, publish your first novel, or land an incredible deal on a beautiful house. 

Whatever that thing is that you want to manifest, it also wants to be yours.

That’s how energy works. 

So what you do is this: You imagine a future conversation with your friends and loved ones where you announce that this thing has manifested. 

You feel as though you already have what you desire, and you bask in the feeling of that.

You imagine telling your friends and their joy and celebration and congratulations on you having achieved this goal.  

Linger here as long as you can. Allow the energy of pure joy and happiness to fill the cells in your body. 

Know that as long as you can imagine and visualize something, it can become real. 

All you have to do is believe in yourself. 

Be sure to have clear goals, and focus on what you want. 

Don’t let the negative energy of other people distract you.

Shut out the noise of others, whether that be people who don’t support you or random strangers on the Internet. 

And visualize the feeling of celebration once you receive your manifestation! 

Try it! You have nothing to lose, and an entire world to gain.