Why You Can’t Just THINK Positive Thoughts (Because It’s More Than That!)

Whenever we learn something new, no matter how long we’ve been doing it, going back to the beginning and revisiting the basics is often very beneficial.

There is a lot to read and know about the Law of Attraction and Manifestation, but the bottom line is that it is quite simple to master, once you understand how it works.

Let’s revisit the “magical science” of the Law of Attraction and clarify the basic premise behind creating your own reality.

The Universe is made of energy that vibrates at different frequencies in the quantum field.

In this quantum field, all possibilities exist and time does not exist. This means that everything is in the present moment, even those things that you are raising for your future.

The same energy that exists throughout the Universe also exists within us.

Energy is, therefore, the basis of all physical reality. Einstein’s Theory of Relativity showed us that atomic energy vibrates at different rates. His famous equation E= mc2 showed that energy and matter are two sides of the same coin.

Creating your own reality is about generating your own energy and synchronizing it with the frequency of your desire. Your desire is something that already exists as a possibility in the quantum realm. Even if it is not present in your actual reality, it is present as a possibility.

What you have to do is to align your frequency with it. Whether your desire is for love, good health, lots of money or abundance in any form,
the “secret” is not about creating those things but generating them with your energy and actually becoming them.

So the key that unlocks the door of creating your own reality is FEEL it your wishes.

Why You Can't Just Think Positive Thoughts (Why It's More Than That!)

How we feel is influenced by how we think and it has been proven that 90% of our thoughts each day are exactly the same as the day before.

Think about how easy it is to repeat the same things you always do.
Thinking the same thoughts is our default, it is what comes most naturally.

Why? Because most of us have spent our entire lives thinking the same things over and over again and by the time we reach adulthood, we have pretty much internalized these thoughts. It’s much easier to stay in the comfort zone of thinking the same way than it is to push yourself out of that familiarity.

The problem is that those consistent thoughts lead to the same choices, which lead to the same ways of acting, experiencing life and feeling emotions. It’s a cycle that goes on and on, influencing the way we think until we make a conscious effort to change our thoughts. But pushing yourself out of that familiarity is the KEY TO MANIFESTATION.

In order to change your life, you have to think differently and in order to think differently, you have to feel differently. All this takes some serious effort and understanding. Deciding to think positively will not make the necessary change. Why?
Because all those years of thinking somehow don’t disappear just because you had one positive thought.

It’s a bit like going to the gym. You don’t go once and immediately have a flat stomach. You have to keep going back, train those muscles, and change your lifestyle.

If you decide to change the way you think, you will have a feeling of discomfort because you have conditioned your body and mind to always feel a certain way. If you suddenly leave that familiar territory by thinking differently you will feel awkward, uncomfortable, and afraid. This is a normal reaction to change. You want to return to your comfort zone, simply because it is familiar.

This is why FEEL is the key to manifesting. In order to really make big changes, you have to teach your body to feel differently so that your thinking and feeling are aligned and working together. You have to get past the barrier of your body leading your mind.
To get out of your past, you have to teach your body emotionally what your new and abundant future feels like!

Why You Can't Just Think Positive Thoughts (Why It's More Than That!)

You do this by generating the energy frequency of those things right now in your present. You think about what kind of behavior you will show in order to start living your future now, and you mentally repeat who you will be in this new reality. You
meditate and make an effort to stay in that new energy state all day instead of reverting to the energy state of your old ways of thinking.

Now you begin to feel abundant, and make small changes in your behavior and thoughts. You begin to love yourself more, and open doors to love life more too. Little by little, teach yourself new ways of thinking, seeing, feeling and doing and your mind becomes a guide to the future instead of an imprint of your past.

It’s important to make sure you don’t notice what’s missing in your life again. The idea is to stay in the energy of your future, connected to the place that feels your desire in the quantum field. Every day, change your energy so that you are not just repeating the same old thoughts and emotions from the day before. You must work on a daily basis to create and sustain a new state of being.

If it is abundance that you desire, you must continue to review the state of feeling abundant every day, regardless of the current conditions of your life and independent of the habits of your body and mind, for a long period of time.

That will become your state of being.