Are you ready for “The One?”
If you are not sure if you are or not, the Universe knows exactly what you need.
So, here are some clear signs that the Universe is sending your way that is leading you to the One.
1. Feeling At Peace With Yourself
When the universe is preparing you for “the one,” you will find yourself at peace. Gone are the days (or months!) when you feel like you’re going crazy being single.
It is at this point when you can finally breathe and be at peace despite the lack of romance in your life.
This is also when you finally addressed your past hurts. You no longer hate your ex and you have let go of the toxic thoughts that held you back from being the best version of yourself.
Also, it is at this point when you notice that you are receiving more comments about the positive changes you are making in your life from people you are closest to.
You are on the right track now…keep going!
2. You Keep Running Into The Same Person
If you keep reaching out to the same person, then it’s time to pay attention. It doesn’t mean you need to “physically” meet the person multiple times—it can be as simple as your family and friends keep mentioning that person to you. Or maybe you keep seeing things related to that person, and you just can’t get them out of your head.
When this happens, it is the way of the universe that slowly pushes you towards this person.
3. You’ll Notice a Lot of Repetition
There is no such thing as coincidence—everything happens for a reason.
So, when it comes to signals, you have to keep in mind that they are repeated from various sources. You can listen to the same song several times from different places. Or, you may be seeing or hearing stories about couples getting engaged or finding “the one.”
There are times when these events follow throughout the day or maybe a week.
The signs are not hard to miss, all you have to do is pay attention.
4. You Are Definitely Exactly What You Are Looking For
There comes a point in your life when you know exactly who you want to be with and what you want in a partner.
When this happens, it is a sign that you are ready to find the One, and you are already heading in that direction.
Keep pushing—you’ll get there soon enough.
5. You Know When You Meet That Person
Sometimes, you meet someone and you just know they are “the one.”
However, don’t think that it’s something that happens right away. It is because there are people who have a challenging time recognizing it at all.
But if something inside you feels that this person is right, then you are probably right.
The best part? The feelings can be mutual.
There is a good chance that they know that you are also “the One” for them. It may take some time for them to make that conclusion, but trust that in time, they will.
It can be hard to recognize when the universe is giving you signs. But as you can see, most of these signs are more about the changes that happen in yourself.
Always keep in mind that the universe is always above your life.
And if you want the One, trust that you will get it.
See more signs with our Whispering Spirit. Click here to get yours today.