“You are the average of the five people you spend most of your time with!”
Do you agree with this statement?
The first time I heard this, I was shocked.
‘What?’ I heard myself screaming in my head.
At that time I spent most of my days with certain people who although I enjoyed spending time with, were not exactly the type of people I aspired to be.
Like a knee-jerk reaction, I instantly ran through all the people in my head.
I mentally summarized their positive and negative influences on me. And if, indeed, I were the average of their characteristics and qualities.
And the result?
It was not good!
Because, as painful as it was to admit to myself, there were many common traits in them that I saw in myself.
They weren’t harmful traits, but they weren’t the traits that led me to be a better version of myself.
And they weren’t qualities that helped me raise my vibration so the Universe couldn’t wait to shower me with positivity and beauty.
This is when my plan to recognize, improve, and eliminate began.
It is easy to start the plan, but the difficulty lies in recognizing the characteristics and qualities that do not help in the first place.
Therefore, if you feel that you are doing all the right things, but there is still a block in your abundance, try The People Tree exercise.
This exercise is adapted from the thought provoking book Is-Sors by Dr Tara Swart.
Here is a caveat, however. The People Tree exercise is confronting, eye-opening, and perhaps even shocking!
But I guarantee you will gain clarity and, indeed, the motivation to take action!
Click for yours FREE People’s tree exercise.
Also, check out our past blog on how to instantly raise your vibration here.