How Meditation Can Boost Your Creativity

There is a common misconception in our society that in order to achieve great things, you have to work as hard as you can. There is a belief that hustle and dedication are the key components to achieving great things, and that anything other than that will detract from your success.

While I agree that dedication and input are vital to productivity, giving yourself time to relax, meditate, and even allow yourself to daydream are just as important. Unfortunately, these things are often overlooked by the collective mentality racing towards the finish line.

Some people believe that any kind of stopping is equivalent to procrastination. I believe that you can optimize that time of procrastination to benefit your work, and yourself emotionally and mentally. Use it to feed your mind and boost your creative process through meditation and mindfulness.

Let me explain.

Creative work comes from action taken upon receiving inspiration. Creative people no longer wait for inspiration to strike. Truly successful people know that the act of sitting down to work day after day is essential to getting things done.

As the famous William Faulkner said, “I only write when I’m inspired. Fortunately, I am inspired at 9 o’clock every morning.”

Creativity comes from the ability to discipline yourself to do the work, but it also comes from giving your mind and body room to breathe in order to tap into those moments of inspiration and creative thinking. You have to find a balance between intense focus and freedom of thought.

This is where meditation comes in handy.

Meditation and Creativity

How Meditation Can Boost Your Creativity

Meditation encourages us to connect with the inner stillness, the still voice within. I believe that creativity comes from that same inner sense of self. That well of deep knowing that lies within us all. With regular meditation practice, you develop a greater awareness of this connection and strengthen your self-belief, inner knowing, and confidence. With this comes confidence in your own voice and faith in your ability to express your truth.

You have the drive and belief to explore and pursue creative ideas that occur to you.

Think about it, your best ideas probably came to you when you were doing something else, not staring at your computer screen or blank page or canvas trying to form an idea with great will. Spontaneity and creativity are linked. Forcing yourself to find an idea or thought that works is painful. Inspiration comes for free when you least expect it. Most creative work is actually done when you are not intently focused on trying to find the solution to a creative problem.

Meditation increases attention

Studies show that people who meditate receive psychological and cognitive benefits. Meditation strengthens your memory, improves learning skills, and your ability to maintain focus. In our fast-paced world, we are all in dire need of that inner stillness.

True productivity is the knowledge and ability to use time wisely and get things done effectively. Many people get overwhelmed by their workload and spend more time and energy worrying about it than doing it. Meditation increases your ability to focus on one thing at a time, and with repetition, you will rewire your mind to naturally concentrate better.

Meditation increases energy

Meditating for a few minutes in the middle of your work day is like taking a long, refreshing drink of spiritual energy. The calming and grounding effect of meditation can boost your energy in a way that no caffeine can. This will give you a renewed sense of motivation and passion that you can direct towards your work.

Scientific Facts Linking Creativity and Meditation

Interesting discovery it was discovered by Neuroscientists who study creativity. They saw that the creative process always involves the whole brain, not just one region of the brain or a specific side, right or left as is often alleged. Meditation also activates all areas of the brain. When we sit to meditate, as when we think creatively, the whole mind is in communication with itself.

The two seem inextricably linked. Regular meditation means practicing that communication with the whole mind, that harmonious state which is essential for creative work.

How Can You Apply It To Your Life?

How Meditation Can Boost Your Creativity

I believe that adding a meditation practice to your daily schedule will increase your creativity and productivity. A coherent mind and body is much more likely to create fresh and new ideas than one that is tired, overworked, and stressed from all the effort.

Consider taking regular meditation breaks, so that when you think you’re slowing down, you really strengthen your deep inner awareness and sense of self. If you don’t want to actually meditate, you can still integrate meditation-like activities into your day.

Why not go for a walk and practice walking meditation? Some people may find it helpful to take a bath or shower, or you may engage in some other type of focused activity such as gardening, cleaning or baking. Allow yourself that free time to procrastinate.

Even if you just enjoy looking out the window, focusing on external sounds or watching the wind blow in the trees. You are giving your mind those priceless moments of quiet and calm that will clear your mind.