Discover the secret to manifesting anything you desire in your life!
This simple and effective method has transformed my life and can do wonders for you too.
Whether you want more clients, increased money flow, higher sales, or new prospects, this approach is perfect for you.
It works for any goal, no matter how unreachable it may seem.
So why wait? Let’s start using this powerful tool today and watch as everything changes in just one month.
Introducing the 5 x 55 method.
Here’s how it works:
- Visualize your desires and dreams.
- Create a personalized affirmation that aligns with your goals.
- Write down your affirmation fifty-five times a day for five consecutive days.
- Keep track of your progress in your manifesting diary or anywhere else.
That’s all it takes!
Let’s break it down step by step and unlock the power within you.
1. Getting Clear With Your Desires
I advise you to immediately begin with a smaller goal rather than a big one.
I’m mentioning this because you need to have trust and belief in the Law of Attraction.
You need to do this to vibrate on a positive frequency.
If you say something like “I want a million dollars”, you’ll never believe it is possible.
You’ll not achieve the vibration required to do this.
But if you set a small, realistic goal, then it will be within the realm of what you think possible and what you’re willing to accept, what you feel worthy of, and you’ll be far more likely to achieve.
If you focus on $1,000 and manifest it, you’ll build faith. You’ll know this is the real thing.
Maybe you believe in the Law of Attraction, but you are most likely doing it on a mental level.
You agree with it, but you don’t have that inner conviction that comes from experience.
Your mind can only go so far, and experiencing something is far more convincing than understanding it.

2. Decide on Your Affirmation
A basic template is “I am _____”.
This is very versatile because you can cover both transformational goals and objective ones.
A transformational goal is when you have achieved some kind of personal transformation.
Examples are “I am happy”, “I am excited”, “I am healthy”, and “I am beautiful”.
An objective goal is something outside you as “I’m so excited that I’ve received a raise at work” “I’m so excited that the publisher accepted my book” or “I’m so thrilled for this new job I’ve received”.
You express your emotion regarding what you wish for it to happen as it already happened.
This is great for writing goals too, in the past tense, so you can convince your subconscious mind it already happened.
You can be a lot more specific; use numbers, be accurate but at the most basic level, and express the emotion you’re feeling and the outcome that will happen as if it already did.
3. Visualize
This is maybe even more important than putting it on paper. Know why?
Because the electromagnetic field of your mind and of your heart is important in the process of manifestation.
In your mind, it’s all about images.
It’s looking at yourself and seeing yourself victorious, as you’ve already received what you want.
It’s about building a mental movie of you at the finish line, whatever that line may be.
Most people, when they visualize, focus just on the visual.
I want you to use all five senses.
I want you to feel the wind on your skin, the smell of the ocean, the sound of the waves hitting the shore, the sight of the ocean in front of you, and even the salty taste of the air.
Focus on the image that you want to manifest.
This is something you can do often, with or without the 5 x 55 process.
It’s the main tool in your toolkit as a manifestation expert.
Do this for five minutes or ten minutes or as long as you can.
The more, the better but what’s really important here is how much intention you put in, not the time length.
4. Write it Down
To help you understand, imagine that you’re writing a letter to a loved one.
A love letter or a letter to your best friend.
Bring that enthusiasm and passion where your hand is moving too slowly because you want to write faster because you want to express yourself so much.
You don’t want to passively just write this as it won’t help you.
It’s not the writing itself that makes a difference, it’s your ability to raise your vibration to the level where you can manifest.
You can’t change your vibration, not directly.
You can only use your emotions to do so.
Your emotions are the switch, the toggle to your vibration while your imagination is the designer, the architect that tells the universe what you desire.
The law of Attraction is more like dancing than mathematics.
When you dance, if you feel the rhythm, then you can dance nicely without following a pattern.
Mathematics instead focuses on strict formulas.
Once you learn to elevate your emotional state to a very high level and to use your imagination well, then you’ll manifest with ease, using 5 x 55 or any other method you want.
Have you ever tried this method?